crispINformation VOL 2:3 Caleb 24wks preg.
Family and Friends,
Well... It's been about a month and a half of this bed rest stuff and I've almost got it down. The only restriction that I have the most trouble with is picking up Hannah. That makes it difficult during the day when no one is around to help me.
Joshua was staying home during the afternoons to help me and then work at night. (That is no longer acceptable with the church.) On Tuesday and Wednesday late afternoon's I have Michelle and Lindsey at my house (sisters). David (father-in-law) helps out big and has been here practically everyday. Good news for him, he got a job... bad news for me... I don't have his help or company anymore. So when I'm here by myself, it gets pretty hard. I'd like to ask you to be praying that someone would be able to help me during the day. Also, lunch and dinner are hard to prepare so if you have any crock pot or quick fix recipes, send them my way!
It's difficult being on "modified bed-rest," but not as hard as it is to not pick up my daughter.
I have decided not to lose 4 months as I did with Hannah and have been going to church and even "traveling." (my Dr. has approved all our outings) So, instead of sitting on my bum all summer long, I am getting out. I do take it easy though, I'm not driving, or carrying Hannah, or walking long distances. But I am in touch with the rest of the world! Joshua and I had a great trip to Tyler last weekend. We swam and went to the zoo. Hannah loves the water. We had tons of fun.

I had a Dr. visit 2wks ago with a sonogram and Caleb was 1 pound. Being 22 wks then, he is growing on schedule. Hearing that calmed my fears of him not gaining enough weight b/c of me trying to lose wait not knowing I had him. Praise God for that!
Hope you all are doing well!
Thank you for your prayers and support,
(WOW, I have a family! God is good!)
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