Birthday: Hannah's Party
Hannah's Birthday Party! She invited her family and her friends. She told me who she wanted to invite and then helped me make an evite invitation. Hannah was very excited about people coming over to eat cake with her.
This picture is the only one I got without food in her mouth. She liked the cake!

After cake and Ice Cream we opened presents. What fun. Hannah got such nice gifts. A big thank you to all that came and to those that gave.

Caleb wanted a picture of him taken.

Hannah just loves dresses and skirts. She wore one of these dresses for the rest of the day and has been wearing them since. The purple one is the one she likes most. :)

Abrianna is so much fun to watch. She has the biggest smile. She had a good time playing with Grandpa.

I made Hannah a necklace to go with the skirt I made her. She liked it! Her face shows that. :)

These are Hannah's friends and Sarah too. Looks like a good crowd!

Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Christie came and our little cousin Ethan too. We had fun watching Ethan laugh and smile.

What a fun afternoon and Hannah had a great time.
Sarah's Birthday is next.... too many birthday's in a row!
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