Christmas with Grammy and friends
My mom came over in the afternoon and we had much fun giving to our family.
My mom and Mark and sisters had much fun giving to the children. Here are just a few photos of our time together.

Abrianna is a climber! She sees an obstacle as a challenge and heads for it. She saw boxes in front of me and booked it over to tackle the challenge. She is so funny.

Grammy gave to the kids a TeePee Maze Craze. A great gift for them, not for mom. :) They absolutely love it!

Sarah still not feeling well watched her siblings and laughed. She got into it too, but just not as much if she were feeling well.

It was bed time and the kids did not want to stop playing in the tent so we moved it to the bed room and they had more fun in there. Dad got flash lights out and they had a great time. Hannah came out to sleep on our bed (as she does some nights) and the two others fell asleep in the tents.

What a wonderful day of celebrating Jesus! The reason we give = Jesus gave to us. The reason we receive = God receives us.
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