crispINformation VOL 2:5 Caleb preg.
Family and Friends,
Hello! A lot has been going on since the last email.
Our vacation was great! Hannah and I had Joshua for a whole week! We had a great time just relaxing and being together.

As of June 30th Joshua and I have been married for 2yrs.
4th of July was fun, as always. Even being preg I was able to do stuff. Hannah and I had a caricature made of us and we made party hats. We also pointed our toes! We were worried about how Hannah would take the fireworks, but she did great! She wouldn't let us cover her ears and she laughed and pointed at the lights. I was having so much fun watching her that I didn't see many fireworks myself.
Christie and Jonathan (Jonathan my brother-in-law and Christie a friend from church) got married on July 12th. So that means that lots of family were in town. I got to meet several of Joshua's relatives and Hannah got to be passed around. It was fun! The wedding was beautiful.
Dr. says that everything is great with Caleb. I get the cerclage out Aug. 7th. This means that I could go into labor anytime after that. Most likely that day. This is may prayer, to go into labor right away! I am in the nesting stage like you wouldn't believe. I feel as if nothing is ready. His bed is ready... we only need a few essentials. But it's getting close, I can feel it. Won't be much longer until we have a baby boy with us. We are all very excited.
This week I've got parties lined up. Michelle and I have a creative memories party Thursday night and Jean has a shower for me on Saturday. These events will make the week fly by and I am so glad. Can not wait until the 7th! I want this baby out of me so bad. I'd just like to bend over and tie my shoes!
Hannah is doing well, she is standing on her own and starting to take steps. It won't be long before she is walking.
I'd like to thank you for your love and prayers! God is so good! Please continue to pray for the safety of Caleb and a good delivery.
The Crispin's!
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