7th Heaven: 4
It's been a while since I've updated on our babies growth...
15wks: Lanugo, soft downy hair, is beginning to grow and cover the baby’s body. Bones and muscles are starting to grow to surround and support the baby’s tiny organs. The baby’s legs and arms are long enough to bend at the elbows and knees. Vocal cords appear. I am able to feel the baby kick now!
16wks (4m): Baby is about 6” and weighs about 4oz. Hair begins to grow on baby’s head and the eyebrows and eyelashes are emerging. All of the joints can move and the baby’s sex is evident.

17wks: The baby will continue to grow and refine its features. Baby has fingernails and toenails and its own set of fingerprints.
18wks: Baby can be seen sucking his thumb and swallowing small amounts of the amniotic fluid. Baby is about 8” and 6oz.
19wks: A cheesy coating, called vernix, will begin forming to protect the baby’s skin from the amniotic fluid.
Now that we are up to date, would you like to know what the gender is?
It's a boy!
Hannah was with me at the doctor’s office. (My mom came too. Neat for her!) I told the Sono lady that she just had to say that it was a boy because Hannah is just sure that it is a boy. (I've thought the same and wanted so badly to not be wrong!) When our baby flipped over and we could see between the legs... there was no doubt! :) I had said in the first blog of this series that we would have sono footage as well as pictures. Joshua informed me that we don't have the equipment to turn VHS to DVD anymore. Very bummed about that. But you can enjoy some photos! Now I've been told by some people that they can not see the baby... so I've labeled for you. And if Hannah can tell me what she is looking at... well. :)

This view is so weird to me. It's so alien like, but very cool to see his face bone structure. Hannah says that in this picture he has a "huge" belly. He is weighting at 10oz. right now, so it can't be that big! :)

His feet are not completely clear here. I had a better shot with Caleb. But it’s a sonogram, not an actual picture!

I hope that you have enjoyed seeing our baby as much as I enjoy showing!
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