Monday, October 04, 2004

crispINformation VOL 3:3 Sarah preg

I am still pregnant!

I saw my doctor today and she said that I am 3cm dilated and 75% effaced. I am on my way! (For being in labor a week now, there better be something going on down there!!!) We also had a sonogram and were able to tell that the baby only weighs 6lbs 15oz right now. This calms my fears greatly to giving birth to a big baby!

We are still undecided about her name. Elizabeth Diane came up the other night. Who knows...

The other day I was looking online at natural ways to induce labor. There are some ways. Basically any laxative will do it. As I was looking at all this and seriously consedering doing something myself. I heard God telling me that it was in His timing not mine. Also I was reminded of this same thing with Caleb. So we're not doing anything to speed this baby along... ok, maybe a few jumping jacks here and there, but that's it!

Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow... soon this girl will be here.

Thank you all for your love and support,
Joshua, Jennifer, Hannah, Caleb, and baby girl


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