crispINformation VOL 5:1 Girl preg.
It's been awhile!
I am still pregnant! And we still have a house full of kids! :)
We have a name for our little girl. Abrianna. This is hebrew and means "mother of many nations." We are still deciding on a middle name. I like this name not because I want for her to have many children but for her (as well as all our children) to continue the Christian Generation through out our family tree. I really like this name because of the Bible Study that I have doing in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship). We have been taking the year to study Genesis and seeing how God moved in Abraham's life and the nation the He built through him has inspired her name.
As of last week I have been in labor. I was at 3cm on Tuesday of last week and that is when my cerclage came out, and today I am still at 3cm. I am 5o% effaced and just waiting for little Abrianna to get things going! Dr. Flowers said that if I do not have Abrianna by next Tuesday that I am scheduled for inducing at 6am. So by the 17th we will have a little girl! If you remember, this is how it was with Sarah. I was at a 3 for 2wks and then we induced. You'd think for not having a strong cervix that going into labor would not be a problem!
I don't think that Hannah can wait any longer. She keeps telling me how she wants to hold the baby very gently and help change her diaper. If only she could! I think she is excited to have a baby in the house. She helped me set up Abrianna's bed and changing area in our room. She put her cloths away and was very helpful. What a big girl she is becoming.
Speaking of diapers... Hannah is finally becoming a "big girl." Praise God for that answered prayer! I showed her a gift she could have if she was a big girl that used the potty and from that day on she has been in panties. (This was 4 days ago.) I'm so happy to be seeing the light (dim as it may be) at the end of the diaper tunnel! Of all the things I've tried, advise I've taken, and books I've read on potty training... it only took showing her something that she could have. Every child is different!
Caleb and Sarah are doing well. Sarah is starting to learn her body parts. She is saying a few things. Mostly "mama" (referring to everyone) and "I want down" (meaning both down and up!). Caleb is helping more and more and being very good with sharing, when he wants to. He is still my most challenging child. Discipline with him has been so hard. He has a hard head! Maybe from me! :) They are a joy to be with. We are truly blessed.
Something funny for you all to enjoy. Joshua got the kids dressed how they wanted to be dressed to play outside... You guessed it! Crazy outfits! Caleb is wearing his church shirt, Sarah's tights, and Hannah's shoes. Hannah is in her tights and shirt and Sarah is in her diaper and church shoes. Have a good laugh!

I'll let you know when Abrianna is here and you'll see pictures too! At least 6 more days, I'm almost done!
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