Happy New Year 2006
Party at our house again!
We had my Mom and her gang and David and Sheila Crispin over to ring in the new year.
We had lots of good snacks and sweets! Hannah, Caleb and I made cookies for the evening. Caleb put frosting on one and then ate 3 and said he was done.

We played 'Catch Phrase' most of the night. Playing as Girls against the Guys we defiantly ruled the night. It was lots of fun and we'd like to do a game night again soon with more of the family.
The kids went to bed well and that allowed for some good adult time. Something that I cherish when I get it!
Happy New Year to you all and I pray that God blesses you and your family.
It's CUTE!!
Ok, the girls did not rule the night. I was there...the guys won every game.
This is Joshua tring to get away with saying he won... come one girls defend yourselves... we won almost every game! I'll give you some credit. :)
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