Birthday: Sarah is 1
Sarah is one! I can hardly believe it.

My mom came over the night of her birthday.
We had cake and Sarah had no problem with getting that all over!

She got a glow worm from Grammy. Sarah loves this glow worm. Her face just lights up everytime the glow worm's face lights up!

She also received a gift card to walmart from her Great Aunt Katherine. She picked out a doll and some cloths and I let her pick out fleece so that I could make her a blanket and pillow. Her brother and sister have a fleece blanket and pillow that I made and she has started to show interest in wanting her own.
Aunt Christie and Uncle Jonathan came over the day after her birthday and ate more cake with us. All the kids had fun playing, a little too much fun if you ask me. :) When Caleb and Jonathan get together you never know who will get hurt first. They sure love to play with their Uncle and Aunt.
We've had lots of birthday's! It's time for a break.
Caleb didn't mind getting hurt while rough housing with Uncle Jonathan. He wants to play with Jonathan again and again.
The kids like to visit Christie and Jonathan...especially because they remember jumping on their trampoline in the back yard!
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