crispINformation VOL 5:2 Abrianna is here!
Abrianna Louise Crispin was born on Tuesday the 17th of January 2006.
7lbs 4oz and 20in long.
We went to the hospital early in the morning... 5am early! Joshua and I are not morning people! My mother stayed the night so that she could be with the kids in the morning. We got to the hospital at 5:30 and got started with all the paper work and questionnaire. That took a good 2 hours!
My Dr. came in and broke my water at 7:30 and Abrianna came into the world at 10:57am. Another fast a safe delivery. Praise God! (30mins longer than Sarah's)
Some of you may have known that I wanted to get a "local" this time around. (All my other delivery's have been all natural) Well that didn't happen. Though not by my wishes. :) Giving birth 4 years in a row is just not fun. It is painful and contrary to what others say, you can remember the pain. It's painful! I just wanted something to ease it... Apparently the local is given when you are completely dilated. I was at an 8 and that is when they called my Dr. down and she said that I was not ready yet. Well I said that that couldn't be because I was ready and I wanted the pain med. Because of the scar tissue that has built up on my cervix I was having a hard time. Dr. Flowers helped get my cervix to open and when I was at the 10 and asking about my pain med she was telling me to push. So I'd push and then say again that I wanted to have the pain med. And she would tell me to push. So you can guess how that went. I'm not sure why she didn't give it to me but I'm pretty sure that she knew I'd be ok without it. She was very shocked when I told her that I wanted it. It was painful, but I guess worth it. So once again I was without med and IV.
When Abrianna came out they asked me if I wanted her to be under the heat lamp or on my belly. I thought if that was the only option then I wanted her with me. Usually they wrap the baby up somehow and hand her to you. So I had my slimy white gooey baby on my belly. I liked having her close but she was messy! They looked her over and wiped her down on me. I had her on my for a good 10 mins or more. Then they took her to get weighed and wrapped her up and gave her back. I kept her with me for the first hour feeding and taking pictures and then they took her to get cleaned while I got cleaned. I got my belly washed! :)

In our room together. She looks like a Crispin baby! She has Hannah's olive skin and she has lots of hair! I finally have a baby girl with hair!

Joshua brought the kids to see us at about 7pm. Hannah was excited to see Abrianna and me. She got on the bed and I let her hold her. She was smiling so big and telling her that she loved her. My mom had helped Hannah make a picture for Abrianna that she gave to her. It was real cute.

Sarah got on the bed with us and gave Abrianna hugs. She tried to give kisses too. She was so sweet with her new sister.

We have 4 children! Caleb liked seeing Abrianna too. He patted her arm nicely.

I think Abrianna looks very much like Hannah did when she was born.
Both of them are beautiful!
I agree with Joshua. Abrianna looks like Hannah. She's beautiful!
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