Birthday: Caleb turns 4!
It's that time again... Birthday season! Joshua started us off last month and now it is Caleb's turn.
Aunt Rachel sent the coolest card! It had punch-out animals (not to mention 4 birthday-dollars) that Caleb and the kids played with for hours... until the paper got into Abrianna and Sijah's mouth. :) What fun! (Caleb also received cards from Great Aunt Katherine, Grammy and Sheila - Thanks to you all!)

Daddy took Caleb on a special birthday swim with just the two of them.

On this day of turning the monumental 4 years of age, Caleb swims. He just started to kick and away he went!

Along with swimming he also got very brave and jumped off the latter for daddy to catch him.

(This one is blurry, but I love the shot too much to not share.)

After the swim Caleb had present time. Always the child's favorite part of a birthday.

One of Caleb's favorite super heroes is Larry Boy! (I spelled wrong in the caption and really don't want to take the time to fix it... I know, spell check is there for a reason.)

Another super hero is Spiderman!

Green is the favorite color of our now 4 year old boy. He requested a green cake... yes green. I colored the icing and the cake mix with green food die. He loved it!

Milk to go with our cake... but not just in any ol' cup... no... a supper cup... a spider man cup!

Little guy feels left out of the cake fun... his turn will come.

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