The 4th continues...
4th at the Boy's Ranch! Annual Crispin thing... only we were the only ones there. :( It's not the same without our extended family but we had fun. Doesn't Sijah look like he is having fun?

I took the kids to the free play area and we got balloons, fans, finger puppets, made sack puppets, and played with BIG bubbles. Great fun. The music was WAY loud so Joshua kept Sijah further away. Here we are deciding what to do next from the not-so-loud spot.

Hannah thought we needed to go back to the kids area and play in the sand pile.

After Sarah had her accident we went back to the car. We had made it till 8:30pm and then we needed to seek "shelter." No not from rain - thanks to God it was a clear nice day - from anymore accidents. Our children get more clumsy as the night goes on. Here we are at the car. Caleb cracks me up!

Labels: 4th of July, Abrianna, Caleb, Hannah, Joshua, Sarah, Sijah
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