crispINformation VOL 4:1 All Family
Family and Friends,
How is everyone?
It's nearly 5 months since Sarah was born. Life is fun! She is such an added joy to the family. Her smile lights up your heart. We'll be starting solids soon, the next milestone to cross. She is having a hard time taking a bottle. She has only taken one for her aunt Christie and Uncle Jonathan. They need to teach us the trick! Sleeping well at 12hrs a night and naps at every 3 hrs during the day. God is good to us!

Caleb is the jokester. He's got the two extreme personalities right now. Either very happy or very mad. Hannah has been having fun with this. She takes things away from him to see his reaction. Like I say it is fun in the Crispin house, never a dull moment! He's still taking morning and afternoon naps at 2hrs each. He's learning more every day. Coping Hannah with counting and puzzles. No matter how much I can't stand his whinning, God gave him a smile that just melts your heart. It's not possible to stay upset for long. Goad is good to us!

Hannah is a big helper. Too big sometimes. She thinks that she is the "mom." Trying to change Caleb's diaper is a messy example. She is having fun with my stickers lately. Creating all sorts of pictures. And then adding her touch to the walls. :) I think she'll be an artist like Joshua. Such a blessing it is to have her. God is good to us!

Joshua's business, International Media Productions (IMP,inc) is doing very well. We've had a few more weddings booked and a high school booked him to video their prom. He has teamed up with a local photographer to offer photos and video in one package. He's also got a project he's working on now with converting a family's VHS videos to DVD. With added enhancements like color correction and sound quality boosted. Joshua is well blessed in his business and all glory goes to God. God is good to us!
I have started my own business too! I am now a Creative memories consultant. For those of you that don't know what that is. It's an album making company (the one that started it all! no joke, a very neat company!) that focuses on preserving memories and family heritage in photo safe albums. (You know those magnetic/sticky albums... are not safe and will ruin your photos) I'm excited to be starting my own business and helping others preserve their memories. I have a monthly email news letter with page ideas and album making news. If you are interested in it let me know and I'll add you to the list.
Joshua and I are planning to combine our talents to offer more in both business'. With the wedding that he's done I'm offering to either supply the product to make their own album or make it for them. Also with the VHS to DVD we're offering to take snap shoots out of the video and make that into an album. (Who shows their home videos to anyone? But you would show your album to people.) God is good to us!
Our family is starting a "blogger" site now. This is where I can quickly journal and update the family. Also we'll be posting pictures. It's not completely up to date yet, but I'm working on that. If you are interested: We thought that this would be an easier way to get stuff out their for you to see than the web site.
The theme of our life is GOD IS GOOD TO US!
I really want to hear what everyone else is up to. Please email us and let us now!
The Crispin family!

I love the picture of the snuggle time. I think thats so wonderful!
I really like your website, it's put together very nicely and easy to find things/pictures/stuff on it. Big fan.
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