A Starbucks Shower!

Any one that knows me, knows I love Starbucks. What better place to have a baby shower!
Right this way to a rented room at Starbucks, did you know they had that? I was most pleasantly surprised.

The lady on the right threw this shower for me. I don't want to give out names of my friends without their permission, so I won't be saying much about them.

I took Hannah with me. She was happy to come and hang out with adults.

Our boy has a complete bedding set from Grammy. I have not had a complete set with any of our children. It's time. :) Thanks Grammy.

Opening gifts is something I've never been good at in front of people. I feel so funny and I'm worried about my facial expressions and if the person that gave the gift will think i don't like it... anyway. I liked it all! :)

Hannah was saying, "oh, how nice," "that looks cute," and "that's so nice." It was cute. She liked seeing the clothes and how small they are.

The balloons were Hannah's favorite and she asked if we could take them home for Sarah and Caleb. What a thoughtful child.

Hannah helped me bring the gifts to the car. She had fun. And so did I! I thank this wonderful group of friends from FBC Grapevine and their consideration to have a shower for our 5th child. I'm so thankful. I got the clothes that we needed and the bottles too. I am once again faced with the provision of God and his taking care of our needs.

Labels: Baby Shower, Friends, Grammy, Hannah, Jean, Jennifer, Sijah, Starbucks
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