CrossTimbers Easter Party
Easter Party at Cross Timbers. Good Times! The egg hunt was different than we have ever experienced. The church recycles the eggs, so once you've had your hunt you empty your eggs in your bag and put the egg shells into large tubs for use next year. It works out well. Instead of asking the church body to buy eggs and candy, they provide the eggs and you stuff them. :) They had neat tables set up with prizes for the children that got an egg with a paper saying they won in it. Hannah, not knowing the what seemed to be empty eggs were for a bigger prize, shook all the eggs and only kept those that had something in them. Smart girl, going after the candy! I explained the paper to her and she then wanted to find all those ones. Silly girl. Caleb had a wonderful time and would probably have stayed all day! He loved the bounce house and the hammer thing (not sure what it is called). Abrianna liked the colored eggs and Sarah eat the candy through the wrapper. :) We had a great time. Sijah slept in the sling the whole time.

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