7th Heaven: 14
My little Sijah Nathan Crispin.
Yep, that's his middle name. :)

We are having a hard time feeding. Those of you that can, please be praying for us. I finally figured out late today what our deal was. Sijah's tongue is far back in his mouth when he is trying to latch on, so no latch happens. He got so frustrated with me last night. :) He hasn't been eating very much and that puts him at risk for joundus. The Nurse has said he looks like he is getting it but that right now it is not bad. I just pray he doesn't get joundus and we can learn to eat. He sleeps so much! It's hard to wake him so he can feed. Hopefully we'll have a better night.

Joshua had to work at Cross Timbers tonight and my mom watched the kids (thank you Grammy!). After church Joshua came to the hospital by himself and we got to be together with our newest little. It was very nice. Joshua brought us a movie to watch, 'Love's Long Journey,' I've been wanting to see it and Joshua has been saying, "not a guy movie!" It was nice. Sijah got to be in daddy's arms and we got to have some quite time together.
I leave tomorrow at 11am and then we get to start our adventure of learning a new baby routine and feeding schedule and all that fun. I bet the kids will be excited to have us home.
These are the pictures that the kids made for Sijah.

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