2weeks - already!

What a little joy in our home! He sleeps well - you know that is all baby's do. :) And things have been going pretty well. I am tired - and our home looks like the maid quit on us - but things are really going well. I've heard people say once you have 4, you might as well have more. This transition has been the easiest. Sijah fits right into our family and we have not missed a beat with our day to day schedule. Our schedule for the past 2 months has been:
Get up 7:30/8am, change diapers, watch a movie while mom sleeps, eat breakfast, play outside or in, change diapers, mom tries to make lunch, eat lunch, rest time for one hour, school time for 2 oldest while 2 (now 3) youngest still nap, change diapers, color time with all, play inside or out, mom try to make dinner, try to clean kitchen, change diapers, dad comes home, eat dinner, play with dad for 1 hour, change diapers, bed time 8pm!
Notice that there is no cleaning of the whole house or clothes being done... and well school time has been lacking... but what I am saying is this lazy schedule has not changed. :)
I've always (as in the last 4yrs that I've had kids) the first 2 weeks are the hardest. And they are, until you have the 5th. Then the "worst" is only in the first week.
I should say, it is not all that great. I wouldn't want for you to get the wrong idea. Feeding this boy has been a challenge! His tongue doesn't come forward enough to get a correct latch and for the fist 2 days home he wouldn't latch at all. I'm glad that we got over that. Because of him not latching and then just being so glad he finally latched, I did not correct his 'form' and thus gave myself a breast infection. So for one day I was completely taken out with flu like symptoms and just all around feeling terrible. Joshua was at work... I had 5 kids to take care of... Father-in-Law to the rescue! (An unexpected surprise.) My Father-in-Law came over and played with the kids outside and then got my med. when it was ready. I've heard it said that every child is different - so far all of mine had been the same in the feeding department. While talking with Lactation Consultants, one lady said, "Your boy just doesn't get, does he!" He doesn't. :) With time and maybe a little more growth, he'll get it.
Here are some pictures of the past weeks. The kids really like having a baby brother. Abrianna doesn't have an opinion until she wants attention. We've had fun holding him, and Hannah likes to feed him when I pump. (A big help when Sijah wants to eat and I need to make food for the others.) Caleb calls Sijah "My Sijah." It is very cute how he places ownership over his little brother. I think he did that for Abrianna too. Joshua has a great story of Caleb calling for 'My Sijah' at the hospital. I'll let him comment on that.

Love the pics. Especially all five of them and "hello there".
You are ALL in our prayers!
Aunt Becky
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