7th Heaven: 15
Going home soon. Just waiting for the wheelchair to come get me... not sure why they do that. I have to walk when I get home. :)

At home the first thing that Hannah wanted to do was hold Sijah.

My mom made shirts for the kids that say "Sijah's big sister/brother." Pretty cute.

Home in his own bed.

Sijah has not latched on to me and that is not working for me! I am having to pump for every feeding and I am not looking forward to tonight.
I am still amazed at the experience I had this time at the hospital. They did all the assessments of Sijah with me in our room - except being weighed and when the dr wanted to see him. He sleeps much more than our other children did. I'm sure that won't last long, but it nice for now. Recovery this time around is different. I'm usually able to get up and move around with no problem just hours after delivery. This time I am in some major pain that is not lessened by pain killers. We'll see how tomorrow is.
I do have to say that an epidural was nice for not feeling the pain. But so not rewarding. I do not feel the satisfaction that I did after the others. I feel like I didn't labor. (I didn't labor at all) If I had known that I would not be getting the pitocin, I bet that I wouldn't have got the epidural. Though, having an hour at a 10 and being able to push would have been seriously hard.
God is so good! He answered all my prayers concerning this pregnancy. I am so thankful to have another boy in our family and am excited to see what personality he will bring.
I loved seeing all your pictures of Sijah and your children. They are beautiful. What a neat site. Thanks for sharing!
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