crispINformation VOL 5:3
Well Abrianna is about 2 weeks old. I have made it thus far! With Joshua being home this time things have been a little easier. (For the past babies he has worked at Texas Motor Speed Way)
I would not have made it if not for the meals that we have received from friends and family members. Thank You!
The kids all love Abrianna. Hannah likes to help me and hold her. Caleb likes to touch her cheek. Sarah likes to giver her hugs and rub her head. They have all taken to her very well.

Hannah is doing well with learning to use the potty! This has helped cut down on diaper cost!
Caleb has found a new movie that he just loves, 101 Dalmations. We have seen that one now every day. Joshua saw 101 Dalmations part 2 at the library and we are now watching that one too much. I'm not big on TV watching but it sure has been good the past week or so. I can get more sleep in the morning during their movie time.
Sarah is 'talking' a lot! I just wish we could understand her!
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You have a beautiful family!
-Michelle R.
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