Venture Quest: Hannah's 1st VBS
Hannah's 1st VBS! The 1st thing that she has ever done, except going to Sunday School at church. This was big! I took her in the morning and she just freaked out with the large crowd. I was getting worried that she wouldn't want to do it at all. She asked to be with Caleb and Sarah. So we let her do that and then in the evening I tried again. Hannah's group would be coming to our class 1st so I thought that I could set with her in the big group and then walk with her to our class. It worked! This is a picture of the big group doing a dance. Hannah was so shy around me and would not do the dance if I was around.

So our class, Missions, was 1st on Hannah's rotation. We would get done with the lesson fairly fast with the smaller kids and then play a game. This is Hannah playing 'Duck Duck Goose.' (These pictures were taken on the last 2 days of class and she was much more outgoing by then.)

Her next class was Bible Stories. When she came home we would ask her about what story she learned. The funniest thing that she said was on the first day. (She has been studying Moses in Sunday School) She told us that "Moses called fire down from the sky." She had mixed up Moses and Elijah.

Then she was off to crafts. I don't have a picture of that b/c it was just a real silly picture and didn't want to embarrass her on the web! So we'll skip to the next rotation, Songs.
I was told by her leaders that she was real fun and did all the motions and had so much fun. I found it hard to believe and so I went and spied on her on Wednesday. (Then on Tuesday I gave my camera to her leader to take pictures for me.) She was having fun. Playing with other kids and smiling so big. I'm just so glad that she had a good time.

At the end of the night she was tired. This is what she looked like when I picked her up. (I have a type-o on the picture. It should read: ready to go home)

Where were Caleb, Sarah and Abrianna you ask? They were in the nursery both morning and evening. There were a couple evenings that Caleb and Sarah stayed home.
But you guessed it... a hard week for us all! But worth it. I pray that lives were touched by Joshkimo and I know that lives were saved.
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