Venture Quest: Joshua and Jennifer Teaching Missions
The church that we are currently attending is Cross Timbers Church of Keller. They had their VBS or as they call it, Venture Quest, this last week. Joshua and I were the Mission Teachers. We taught all ages (3yrs to 6th grade) about different missionaries that are in the Arctic Region. (Sessions both in the morning and evening and we volunteered for both times.) The theme was Arctic Edge. Being in the arctic we had our own nick names: Joshua was Joshkimo and I was Snowflake.
This is a picture of Joshkimo teaching and throwing candy out to the kids.

While Joshkimo was teaching I would either help toss candy or help with games but mostly I kept him on time. This was a good role for me b/c I have not taught kids in such a long time and was even a bit nervous about doing so. Joshua got sick on Wednesday night with a 103 temp so I was up to teach the class on Thursday. It went well. I think that God has been stretching me and taking me out of my comfort zone these past weeks. (I have even been asked to be a "discussion leader" at the Bible Study that I'm going to.) This is a picture of me teaching. Not a great picture, but the only one that was taken of me.

There were 'real live' missionaries there with us for the first part of the week. It was real neat getting to hear their stories and what their life is like in Africa. They truly opened my eyes to the need for missionaries in the world. I mean you know that God commands us to go and tell but I just never really thought about the need for missionaries. The lady was explaining it like this: In your neighborhood there could be like 20 different groups that all speak their own language. So there are people very close to you that you can't even communicate with. So say that one group is reached by some 'missionaries,' well then what? How do you get their language (they do not have a written language) translated so that they can have God's Word? WOW. What a task that God intrusts with some people.
I'm pretty sure that these missionaries would not mind me telling you all who they are... but b/c this is out there where the world can view it I think it only nice to ask their permission first. I'll do that. So be looking for a link on the favorite links bar to their web page.
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