Art Corner: 1
Hannah just loves to create things. She likes to cut, color, glue... you name it! She loves it so much that she does it in her sleep!

Hannah and I met up with my friend Jeanie at Starbucks on our mother daughter night out. Jeanie came back to the house with us and she and I got to talking and I forgot that Hannah was still up. She was being so quiet. :) I went to check on her and found her asleep at the table. Hannah and I had a good laugh at that in the morning when I showed her the pictures. (Don't worry, we moved her to her bed!)
This starts Art Corner: A place to display our childrens creativity. Caleb and Sarah's art to follow. Enjoy!

Her sicnature will change as you see her learn to write her name. She can spell it out loud and write the H as of now. She can also recite her address and phone number.
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