7th Heaven: 6
23wks: Baby’s grasp reflex is strong. Kicking is getting stronger too.
3rd trimester - 24wks (6m): The baby’s lean body is putting on fat. The buds of permanent teeth are developing.

25wks: Tiny air sacs called alveoli form in the lungs and the baby begins to make primitive breathing movements.
Isn't this stuff just great? Aren't you so glad that I've been blogging our baby's growth development. You learn something new each time!
26wks: Baby’s skin is thickening and becoming opaque. Taste buds appear on the tongue and inside the baby’s little cheeks.
I have the glueglose test this next week. I'm sure that the results will be negative. They always have been. Thou, if you've ever had this test then you will understand, I am not looking forward to the nasty heavy sugar drink. Srill no name picked out and I have not seen any comments on name suggestions...
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