7th Heaven: 10
36wks (9m): Lighting may occur. This is when the baby “drops” into the pelvis.

This has already happened. I can feel him much lower and it is not comfortable on the bladder! :)
I got the cerclage out today and I am on my way to having this baby. I am at 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. So it'll be another few weeks! :) I take such a long time to get going but then when my water brakes it is fast. I am really hoping for the 16th now. We'll see.
You may find this unbelievable, but it is true. I still get comments from people about our family planning - negative and positive. Manly from family but also from friends and people that don't even know me. I thought that I would answer some of the questions I get asked the most.
Top 6 questions Jennifer gets asked about her family planning:
1) Don't you have to let your body recuperate after pregnancy, can your body handle it?
Well, if you knew all our stories about child birth you may say that God made me to have babies. It is not fun and glamours, but it is ok. My Dr. has assured me that my body will be ok. I can say that with each pregnancy I have experienced more difficulty. My Dr. tells me it comes with being pregnant often, whether close together or not. There is not a "recuperation" period that you body needs in order to function correctly. Every persons body is different. This is why I say that God made me for having babies. There are some people that need more time. We are all differently made by God. Not one way is better than the other.
2) Can you afford to have more children, what does Joshua think about this?
I can tell you that Joshua is thrilled. He loves his children and loves having a big family. I laugh at this because it makes me want to ask, did you think that Joshua wasn't in on the decision? :) God says that He will provide for our needs. He is the author and creator of life. So with those two truths, I say yes we can afford to have a family. This as a factor that many people take into consideration when "family planning." If you think that what you need is more than your actual needs than you could see us as not being able to afford anything but a house. In the area that we live in with such wealthy people (or seemingly so) in such large houses it makes others think that is the life. We know differently. We have a nice home, and could go smaller. Just the mere mention of that sends some people into a whorl wind of, "but...but...you need ROOM for all your children." Who came up with that? Only recently is it a 'norm' for everyday people to have a large home. And with people getting larger homes they are having less children? This makes no since to me. :) If you are going to have a, what I call 'Colleyville home,' then why not have children to fill it. :) Anyway, what I am trying to say is I know God will never let us go without food, shelter, and clothing. Isn't that all we really need? (not counting fellowship with others)
3) Can you handle any more children, do you have any support?
I can handle any thing that God gives me as long as I give it all to Him. It is when my attitude is off that I am not able to 'handle' anything. And I do have support. A few family members give verbal support. My true friends give me much support. A few family members help in the sitting area. I have a wonderful husband that supports our growing family very much. And is a great 'help' with letting me have breaks and the ability to go out with friends and bible studies. And most of all I have God's support. Or He wouldn't be entrusting us with these sweet children.
Children are a blessing from God, not a burden.
4) How can you love so many kids, won't someone get left out?
What? No way. God made parent's with a giant heart. I love each of my children with an unmeasurable amount of love. And I love my husband, God, family, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ. The greatest commandment is to love each other as we love ourselves. If God gave such a commandment, don't you think we'd be able to do it?
5) Are you really ok? I mean, happy with having children?
As if I were sitting at home thinking to myself, why do I love my husband so much? Yes I am ok. I am very happy with my family. A caring and loving husband, a growing girl that surprises us every day, a funny boy that loves to hug and cuddle and throw things, a girl that is learning more everyday about being a big girl and loves to take care of bears, and sweet little girl that thinks she is as big as her big sisters. All I can do is look at them and ask, "Lord, You really gave this all to me, to ME?" How undeserving I am of this wonderful family. I am very happy. Truth be told I complain a lot... this is something that needs to change b/c I have no reason to. God and I are working on that on. (I am a work in progress)
6) Couldn't you just use protection?
This is a little personal don't you think? I have many things to say about this, but without making too many people upset, I'll just say that if you are really interested then send me an email and I will gladly share. I may do a separate blog on this one day. We'll see.
Oh, I forgot one, the one that I get asked the most! Are you going to have more?

This has already happened. I can feel him much lower and it is not comfortable on the bladder! :)
I got the cerclage out today and I am on my way to having this baby. I am at 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. So it'll be another few weeks! :) I take such a long time to get going but then when my water brakes it is fast. I am really hoping for the 16th now. We'll see.
You may find this unbelievable, but it is true. I still get comments from people about our family planning - negative and positive. Manly from family but also from friends and people that don't even know me. I thought that I would answer some of the questions I get asked the most.
Top 6 questions Jennifer gets asked about her family planning:
1) Don't you have to let your body recuperate after pregnancy, can your body handle it?
Well, if you knew all our stories about child birth you may say that God made me to have babies. It is not fun and glamours, but it is ok. My Dr. has assured me that my body will be ok. I can say that with each pregnancy I have experienced more difficulty. My Dr. tells me it comes with being pregnant often, whether close together or not. There is not a "recuperation" period that you body needs in order to function correctly. Every persons body is different. This is why I say that God made me for having babies. There are some people that need more time. We are all differently made by God. Not one way is better than the other.
2) Can you afford to have more children, what does Joshua think about this?
I can tell you that Joshua is thrilled. He loves his children and loves having a big family. I laugh at this because it makes me want to ask, did you think that Joshua wasn't in on the decision? :) God says that He will provide for our needs. He is the author and creator of life. So with those two truths, I say yes we can afford to have a family. This as a factor that many people take into consideration when "family planning." If you think that what you need is more than your actual needs than you could see us as not being able to afford anything but a house. In the area that we live in with such wealthy people (or seemingly so) in such large houses it makes others think that is the life. We know differently. We have a nice home, and could go smaller. Just the mere mention of that sends some people into a whorl wind of, "but...but...you need ROOM for all your children." Who came up with that? Only recently is it a 'norm' for everyday people to have a large home. And with people getting larger homes they are having less children? This makes no since to me. :) If you are going to have a, what I call 'Colleyville home,' then why not have children to fill it. :) Anyway, what I am trying to say is I know God will never let us go without food, shelter, and clothing. Isn't that all we really need? (not counting fellowship with others)
3) Can you handle any more children, do you have any support?
I can handle any thing that God gives me as long as I give it all to Him. It is when my attitude is off that I am not able to 'handle' anything. And I do have support. A few family members give verbal support. My true friends give me much support. A few family members help in the sitting area. I have a wonderful husband that supports our growing family very much. And is a great 'help' with letting me have breaks and the ability to go out with friends and bible studies. And most of all I have God's support. Or He wouldn't be entrusting us with these sweet children.
Children are a blessing from God, not a burden.
4) How can you love so many kids, won't someone get left out?
What? No way. God made parent's with a giant heart. I love each of my children with an unmeasurable amount of love. And I love my husband, God, family, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ. The greatest commandment is to love each other as we love ourselves. If God gave such a commandment, don't you think we'd be able to do it?
5) Are you really ok? I mean, happy with having children?
As if I were sitting at home thinking to myself, why do I love my husband so much? Yes I am ok. I am very happy with my family. A caring and loving husband, a growing girl that surprises us every day, a funny boy that loves to hug and cuddle and throw things, a girl that is learning more everyday about being a big girl and loves to take care of bears, and sweet little girl that thinks she is as big as her big sisters. All I can do is look at them and ask, "Lord, You really gave this all to me, to ME?" How undeserving I am of this wonderful family. I am very happy. Truth be told I complain a lot... this is something that needs to change b/c I have no reason to. God and I are working on that on. (I am a work in progress)
6) Couldn't you just use protection?
This is a little personal don't you think? I have many things to say about this, but without making too many people upset, I'll just say that if you are really interested then send me an email and I will gladly share. I may do a separate blog on this one day. We'll see.
Oh, I forgot one, the one that I get asked the most! Are you going to have more?
If so, what? If not, what? It is our family. Joshua and I. What God does with our family by expanding it can only be good. Only more blessed. I truly do want a break. I'd like to not feel like a whale for a while. But not my will, God's be done! Either way it goes, I'd like to say that it is our family, and God has His hand on us. He will always provide and always work things out for the good.
I hope that that helps some of you. Thank you for your concern. (I say that with some sarcasm) :)
If you do have any questions, I am completely open to discussing any issue more with you, feel free to write.
I hope that that helps some of you. Thank you for your concern. (I say that with some sarcasm) :)
If you do have any questions, I am completely open to discussing any issue more with you, feel free to write.
This is my favorite blog that you have posted! ;-) I know what you mean about a "colleyville house" because I feel the same one.
HOWEVER. I CANNOT believe that people actually ask you this kind of thing.
All of your babies are precious and blessed to have such a sweet mommmy!
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