Egg hunt with FBC Grapevine
Another church egg hunt! We were running late. They started promptly at 9:15. Why so early?!?! As I was getting the kids shoes on and getting the baby bag ready I didn't think of looking outside to see what the weather was like. As we were heading to the car I was thinking, 'it's kind of chilly.' I was glad we had our winter stuff in the car. As I was putting Sijah's seat in the car I was thinking, 'there is weird white stuff falling.' SNOW! Can you believe it? SNOW in April in Texas?!?! Crazy! Well we went to the park where the church was having the hunt and we were late. My mom was there waiting for us and she let the preschool director know we were on our way. They saved some eggs for our children. How nice! The Crispin kids had their very own private egg hunt. :) Dad stayed in the car with the 2 youngest while the 3 oldest had fun with eggs in the freezing cold.

This is Caleb's buddy. His constant face at the church. Caleb is not good with change. If we go to church and he doesn't see Mrs. Kirsey (I spelled her name wrong on the photo) he has a hard time. It's getting better now that we've been there nearly a year. We are very greatfull for the patience and love she has towards our children (and others I'm sure).

The prize table was very impressive. Caleb got some really neat cars and Hannah got a bubble blower, Sarah got a big egg with candy and they picked out a soft bunny for Abrianna. Very cool! Literally! :)

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