Friday, January 25, 2008

Oh, The Things They Say: Deep conversation over Mac and Cheese

While eating our Mac and Cheese for lunch today my Sarah asks in her loud voice, "Does God cry?"
Before I could answer her Caleb says, "If a shark bite him he would."
Sarah then continued, "Or an alogator got him, he would cry and be so sad."

Yeah, I laughed.

I then tried to explain that Jesus did cry. He cried with his friends when they were sad and he cried when he saw his people disobeying. And just like you cry when I ask you to do something you don't want to do, and you ask if your sister can do it for you, Jesus cried when he had to obey God and die on the cross for us so that we can live forever with him in heaven.

After a second of shoveling more noodles in their small mouths Caleb asks, "Does God eat?"

Oh how lucky can I be to have such deep thinkers among me.

I asked Caleb if he thought God ate and he told me, "yeah, mac and four cheeeese!"

I told him that I wasn't sure if God ate anything but a good guess would be, maybe. I told my children that God is going to prepare a banquet of food for us when we are in heaven.
Hannah asked me what a banquet was and I explained that it was a large party with food for a lot of people. So Sarah said we would have cake and Caleb added that we would have balloons too. :)

This is the reason why family should eat together!



At 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jennifer, You are so lucky to have bright children who love Jesus! How lucky are they to have an incredibly smart mom who teaches them great things about our God. Your an inspiration! Keep up the wonderful work. I'm sure Our Heavenly Father must be so proud!!!


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