Storm Night
A storm came threw tonight! I good size one at that! The city sirens were going off, Hail pounded our house and the kids went screaming nuts. For many reasons there was screaming:
We needed to turn off the TV so we could all go to the closet. That sent Caleb screaming. Abrianna decided it was time for milk, NOW. So she was screaming. Hannah didn't want to go to the closet because the light was not yet on in there, this sent her screaming, she was also crying, "There is big rain noise, mommy what is the big rain noise?" Then Sarah took a toy away from Hannah and she slapped Sarah and that sent Sarah screaming. All the while I am trying to get them in the closet and get the light on and get Abrianna some milk, and talk with my husband over IM (He is at the Speed Way working). I got the light on, color books, and milk for Miss Abrianna... they started to calm down a bit and then my mom called. "Grammy is on the phone," I say, "I want to talk," Caleb and Hannah respond. "Sit down and be quite and we can take turns talking," I say, that worked! Finally I could sit on IM again with Joshua and look at the weather reports online. Why look at it online? Because I can see what it is out the window. :) At one point I looked out the back and saw softball hail. That is when I was telling Joshua on IM to find a phone! I got a little worried. But then I looked out the front and there was only golf ball sized and baseball sized and knew it wasn't as bad as I was thinking. Then I took a picture of the kids. :) (Knowing I was going to blog our evening!)

This is our front and back yard after the storm passed. The hail melted so fast! The temp all day was in the 70's so I guess that is why.

This is the piece that was softball sized but melted to a baseball by the time I got to it.

So what do you do after a storm? After all the excitement of being trapped in mom and dad's closet? You go play in it!!!

Sarah was so funny. (If you know her at all then you would understand this.) She starts jumping up and down and dancing saying, "The rain is sliding!"

We have a tree that drops the weirdest brown berry like balls. Tonight it dropped very pretty flowers and they smelled great. Hannah collected them to put in a vase.

Caleb had great fun! He threw the ice in the air and watched it crash on the cement. Then he had the brilliant idea to play baseball! He is a fun boy. Like his dad!

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