Some things you don't forget.
I put bobby pins in my girls hair today. (I wear them) As I put one in my youngest girls hair I thought, this isn't very kid like. I have some snap clips, but they aren't bright colors. I have some pony tail holders, but they don't fit in Abrianna's hair... I need some of those classic plastic clips that I had as a kid. You know, this kind:

Thinking about the hair clips reminded me of the time I sold my hair clips while at my dad's house. My friend and I were selling lemon aid. We weren't making much money and so I thought we needed a new product. I had a box full of plastic hair clips. I made a new sign and sat out in my front yard with a box of hair clips for sale. My dad's house was near an Air Force Base. A young soldier come by riding his bike and saw my sign. I remember him riding by and smiling at my sign and then turning around to have a look. I was selling these clips for .25 and he picked out 4 and gave me a dollar. I remember him telling me that he would give them to his mother, and that she liked green.
Funny, the things that you remember. He rode off that day not knowing how much of an impact he made on my little life. We had sold none of the lemon aid and I didn't sell anymore clips, but I got an entire dollar from that man in uniform. I ran inside to tell Paula about it. I wish I could remember what I spent it on... but anyway. What a gracious act, for that army man to stop by my hair clip sale and take time and money to make a young girls day. I can't help but wonder where he may be now, what he may be doing? Is he over seas fighting? That was a long time ago... maybe he's not in the military anymore? In any case, the lesson here is to be kind to those around you and see where God may be leading you to 'make someone's day.'
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