Jennifer's Surprise Birthday Party
Joshua gave me a surprise birthday party! He called it: arrive and surprise. I tell you, that man can coordinate a party. He had the guests meet at a church just down the road from us and then everyone come at once to our house.
I knew something was up when he told me that the house needed to be cleaned and he went out to get a very large cake. At 3pm a train of cars started to drive into our driveway. surprise!
So in walk the guests carrying balloons, party hats, noise makers, paper plates, ice, drinks...etc.
This also was a party shared with Abrianna and she got lots of diapers!
Amy hadn't seen Abrianna yet and took her off my hands right away. Chatting with friends before cake. Joshua invited all my friends... he raided my email contacts list. Though he did miss some people and when we found that out, too late, he was so upset that some people thought they were not invited.
Cake time. The cake was good! The kids can back me up on that. Joshua had also coordinated phone calls from those that would not be able to make it. Here I am talking with Aunt Katharine just before opening presents. Presents were also thought out by Joshua. He suggested Starbucks Gift Cards to be given. So I got lots of $ to my favorite place. Thank you, to all that gave gifts... so not expected!
Sarah is quite the entertainer. She is the least shy of all the kids. Just loves to give hugs and interact with anyone that will smile at her. :)
Caleb was there too he was too busy with ballons to take a picture.
Thank you Joshua for a nice "arrive and surprise" birthday party and all the pre-planning that you did.
You are most welcome! Thanks to everyone who participated.
I can't wait to see what happens for my B-day...(wink)
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