Web Wednesday! Free helpful sites in web design and writing

I am starting a new series. A series I have wanted to do for a while now but haven't for whatever reasons. I am excited to introduce you to (da da da daaaa) Web Wednesday's!!!
I love the internet! Love it! There are so many neat and wonderful things you can find. So on Wednesday's I am going to link to a few sites that I have found that I think are neat.
We'll start with a site I found to make the logo for my new series:

This site is neat. For FREE, you can make a logo in any color you can imagine and font... very cool.
The buttons you see to the right under the tab, blogs to check out, were made at this site:

If you are stuck on a title , this is a cool site that gives you random titles to choose from: Title Generator
If you need to quickly resize a picture but you don't have the program to do it... here is one for FREE: PIXizer
Looking for the perfect font? For FREE!? TypeNow has it!
And the last one for today is a rhyming tool. You can type in a word and find its rhymes, synonyms, and more here at Poetry.com
Kind of a theme going on here. I'd like to keep it that way. Hope you enjoyed!
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