crispINformation VOL 1:1 Hannah - 30wks preg.
I am now 30 weeks pregnant!
I've been on bedrest for about 2 months. It's not as bad as I had thought it would be. I've got lots of reading done and would call myself an expert on babies. Well... We'll see about that when she gets here! With all the reading that I've been doing I find myself getting a bit nervous about really having a baby to take care of. What a huge responsibility God gave us. Wow! That God gave to Joshua and I! I've never looked at it that way before. It sure changes your perspective of raising a child. A child that God has entrusted us with. I feel honored. And pray that I can do it! :)
Joshua and I went to the Dr. today for an ultrasound. Hannah looks good. She is developing as normal and even has some peach fuss on her head. :) She is about 3 1/2 pounds. (feels like more than that!) I'm officially of bedrest at 35 weeks. And the cerclage will come out at 37 weeks. Only 2 more months to go!!
God has been so good to us with meals that the church is providing. We are very appreciative.
That's all for now. Thank you for your prayers.
In Christ,
Joshua and Jennifer (Hannah too!)