crispINformation VOL 1:2 Hannah's born
(lost text of hannah's weight and stuff)
I woke up at about 6am to use the bathroom (as preg ladies do, all night long!) and was cramping a bit more than usual. When Joshua and I got up I told him that I was cramping more but just thought that the baby was growing and didn't think that much more about it. Joshua went to Texas Motor Speedway to get ready for the races. I went to church at about 7am and was still cramping... just must be a growing day... b/c we kept the cerclage in so that Hannah would not come this weekend, so I am not going into labor! (I work at our church as the Nursery Coordinator) So, I checked all the kids in and went to look in on the baby room. Setting there I told some of the ladies that I was cramping a lot and they were getting harder. One lady said, "Well, sweetheart, don't you think you may be in labor?" I though surely not! We had an interview in just a little while and I had to be there for that. Well, I called Joshua to tell him what was going on and he said to call my Dr. So I did and they told me to start timing the contractions (contractions? I was not going into labor this weekend!) and to come in when they reach 20mins. SO I got through the interview, though I couldn't tell you anything about the girl! And I was defiantly at 20 mins. Pamela brought me to the hospital and Dr. Flowers checked me I was at 3cm and she told me to got to labor and delivery and she would meet me there in a little while. I was in labor!?! I called Joshua and told him he should think about taking the day off. This was at about 12pm. So I got hooked up to all the fun stuff, (though no IV) and chatted with Pamela. At about 1 I was at a 4 and I called Joshua and told him to come NOW! :) He got there at about 2pm and then I was at a 5 and defiantly starting active labor! Hannah was there in about 2 hours. WOW. I know that you are not going to believe me, but it was fun! I mean it hurt, it isn't called labor for nothing! But I truly enjoyed giving birth to Hannah. I only tore a little and had just one stitch!
I thank you all for your love and support!
Here are some pictures of our little bundle of joy!