crispINformation VOL 2:4 Caleb 30wks preg.
Family and Friends,
I'm almost there! Just another 8 to 10wks and baby Caleb will be here! (30wks preg now)
last Thursday we had a check up and a sonogram. Caleb looks good. We got to see his face. (This is neat b/c with Hannah all we saw was her profile. Caleb is about 3.5lbs. I pray that he will not gain more than 4lbs! I liked delivering a small baby. Dr. thinks that he will probably come 2wks early like Hannah. So it may be mid Aug that see him. Everything is looking good.
Still on "modified bed rest." I do have a little more help. Michelle, my sister, is here on Tuesdays and Thursdays and a friend, Amy W., is available on Wednesday for me. Friday and Saturday are still hard days.
I don't have any sickness, just tired. It's harder to get around. Do things like pick up something off the floor. I'm not sure if it's that Caleb is bigger or that I just didn't notice it as much with Hannah. As I'm getting bigger I need more help b/c picking up Hannah strains my back, not to mention that I'm not supposed to pick her up at all. The TLC committee at church has started meals for us again. This is a huge help! On We, Thur and Fri (when Joshua works the most) I don't have to be standing in a hot kitchen! God is so faithful to provide for our needs when we need it!
Joshua got a week off from work! This Tuesday we are going to Tyler for a whole week! (Dr. said this would be ok, but it would be my last long car ride, and to make sure I lay down in the back) We're members of a resort up there that has pools and all sorts of fun family activities. I'm very excited about this much needed vacation! Praise God for this time off.
Hannah is doing well. She started crawling on Mothers day and a week later was pulling herself up. I believe she'll be walking soon. She is such a joy to be around. She's such a good baby and I love being a mom. I am excited to see how different she and Caleb will be and how she reacts to him. (I'm also nervous! I might as well have had twins!) Hannah is very smart! She can point at almost anything we ask her to find. I'm impressed with this. Maybe all 9m olds can do that, I don't know. She is very "verbal." She says mama and dada, but we're not sure she is saying that for us or just sounds that she knows how to put together. She is eating fruit now. She watches us eat and then asks for some too. She also can drink from a straw cup and a regular cup with our help. Still uses the bottle mostly. She doesn't like the sippy cups for some reason.
Please continue to pray for Caleb's health. Also keep us in mind as we are traveling. Thank you all for your prayers and love. When we get back I'll try to get pictures out as soon as possible!
Love you all!