crispINformation VOL 2:6 Caleb's born
Family and Friends,
Caleb is here! Aug. 17th at 4:26am. He came into this world at 7lbs 20in.
I woke up at 2:45am Sunday morning to use the bathroom and my contractions were at 20 mins apart. Joshua was at the church working on some improvements for Sunday service (he's often at the church late, he's a night owl). I called and said that I thought I might be in labor. He said that he would be home soon. (not really planning to come home too soon b/c I thought I was in labor 3 days before and we had Jonathan and Christie over to stay the night so we could leave when the time came...) About 5 mins later I called back and said that he better get home soon b/c I was having to breath through the contraction. He called Jonathan and asked them to meet us at the hospital to take Hannah. We arrived at baylor at about 3:30 and my Dr. arrived at about 3:45 and Caleb came an hour later. Talk about your fast delivery!!! Caleb is a healthy boy and I am doing well. It was all natural like the with Hannah. No IV or anything. He hurt worse than Hannah, I thought that he had a basket ball for a stomach. Just turns out that he has broad shoulders. Still, I can say I enjoyed giving birth and I thank God for my wonderful family!
Jonathan and Christie had asked a nurse how long they thought it may be till I give birth. They told them that it would be at least another 2 hours. So, they started for home. About 10mins later they got a call from Joshua wondering if they were still at baylor b/c Caleb was here. They turned around and came back so that Hannah cold see her baby brother. When Hannah saw him she said, "Bebe!" Her 1st word! It was great! And Jonathan and Christie got to hold Caleb.
It's now been a week and Hannah is still pointing and saying, "Bebe." She wants to touch him but we won't let her yet. She's too rough. Lots of people have asked if she has a problem with jealousy... she may. She has been asking to be held more lately. Though it doesn't last long and she is ok when I tell her that I can't at that time.
Caleb is a different baby! He is not as good of an eater as Hannah was. He was spitting up a lot at first and I couldn't decide if it was reflux, eating too much, eating too fast, not enough burping... I think I got it now. If I feed him at 5 min intervals with about 3 min burping in between he is doing better. That makes for a long feeding. And with Hannah to take care of it is not fun! I hope that now that my milk is coming he will start to do better. Other than that He is doing great! A good sleeper. I get maybe a straight 4 1/2 hours at night.
I'm doing good, tired, but good. I may be going through postpartum depression. I don't know. I feel lonely and very emotional. I start crying about noon and 5 each day. Joshua says that I just need to let my body get reacquainted with my hormones and not to worry about it. He's been very helpful in giving extra hugs and kisses, and a shoulder to cry on. (I love my husband!)
Joshua is excited about his family! On Tuesday night he had a party to celebrate Caleb's arrival. He cooked steaks and we had cake. We had about 8 friends over. It was a fun time! Joshua has also been working on our family web site:
It's not complete yet so some of the links will not work. But Caleb's pictures are there and so are some of Hannah. We'll work on getting others up soon. Feel free to copy the pictures and print them out. Your feed back would be nice too!
With love and thanks!
Joshua, Jennifer, Hannah and Caleb!
I am sorry that it took longer to get the info on Caleb out, it is harder to get the swing of things with 2!