crispINformation VOL 3:1 Sarah 27wks Preg.
Family and Friends,
I am 27 weeks preg. and going strong! It's a girl!
We haven't decided on names yet. Joshua likes Sarah and I like Elizabeth. I know... we could name her Sarah Elizabeth, but I told Joshua that if we did that I would call her Elizabeth. He doesn't like that name for all the nicknames that come with it. I personally don't care about the nicknames, friends do that no matter what your name is. We'll see.. I'll let you know what the name is as soon as we know!
I had a Dr.'s visit this last Tuesday and all is doing well. Baby is holding in good and is weighing in at 2lbs 3oz. I'm getting excited but also feeling very much pregnant. The summer heat can really take it out of you.
Hannah is doing very well. She has learned how to jump and kiss. She is very much fun and full of energy. She enjoys making things at church and has a good time with whatever it is all week. This week has been a 'crown.' She wears it proudly as if claiming her place as queen of the house. Birthday coming up in September. 2yrs!
Caleb is also doing well. He is catching on to sign language and walking pretty good. I think his favorite activity is to eat. Birthday coming on Aug. 17th. 1yr! I'm thinking of doing a birthday combo for family at the end of August. In the middle of both birthday's.
Big news we have... we are closing on a house this Monday. I am excited to not be throwing away our money renting. The house I love! Also Joshua incorporated his business! International Media Productions Inc. (IMPinc.) This is very exciting. Yet another goal/dream of Joshua's becoming a reality. God has been so good to us this year and we know that all praise goes to Him.
There was a small fair in a near by town that we went to last Saturday and Sunday night. Hannah loves the marry-go-round. Big smiles!
Hope all is well with everyone.
Joshua, Jennifer, Hannah, Caleb, and Baby girl