crispINformation VOL 3:2 Sarah 36wks preg.
Family and Friends~
I'm 36wks now and ready for this girl to come out! I was at the Dr. yesterday and she told me that the baby is 7lbs. This scares me b/c Hannah and Caleb were both 7lbs at birth. This means a bigger baby to birth. The cerclage comes out this Monday and Dr. says that she thinks the baby will come right away. I told her that I didn't believe her b/c Caleb waited a week and half. She laughed and said that this baby most likely will b/c of her size. I sure hope she comes quick b/c she is hurting me. She's a strong little girl. I think she really wants to see us b/c she is trying to make an exit out my side. :) Every thing is good with her, a healthy girl. We still have not decided on a name. I still really like Elizabeth and Joshua has explored other names and also holds onto Sarah. We'll see. This one may be named when we see her. Please be praying for this baby to be here next week and for me to calm my fears about delivery.
Hannah turned 2 on the 11th. She is a big girl. She is counting to 3 (almost got 5, cant say 4 and 5 well enough yet), and can say and pick out ABC. She loves to sing. The other day she woke up in the night and needed to sleep with us (I can't sleep with her, she kicks me, I go to the other room!). When she woke up I herd her singing on the bed to Joshua. A very cute sight! Hannah is a big helper. She is good at knowing what Caleb needs even before I do. She loves to help dad fix stuff. And she even has a "chore," she helps feed the dog every morning. Her favorite. things to do now are playing with blocks, coloring and playing outside.
Caleb turned 1 on the 17th of last month. He is coming out of his shell fast. Lots of personality coming out. He likes to look at books and play with cars and blocks. He and Hannah play well together, if Hannah is not smothering his face in the floor. Hannah loves to give him hugs and kisses. Caleb is the only one that can wake Hannah up without her throwing a fit. They have a neat sibling connection that is so fun to watch develop.
We are moved into our new house! We took our time (by paying for an extra month of rent) and that was a good thing! I'm really liking the house. We are also enjoying all the fixing up that the house needs. I say that with a bit of sarcasm. There is more to do on the house than we thought. Though we still both like it a lot. Joshua has been working hard on the yard and doing a great job. The house was somewhat overgrown with trees, bushes and vines. You can see the house now! I'm having fun decorating.
That's all that's going on in our lives. Not much right... :)
How is everyone else doing?
Have a good week and please be thinking of our family on Monday as little baby girl may be one her way.
Thanks and Love,
Joshua, Jennifer, Hannah, Caleb and little baby Crispin