crispINformation VOL 4:2 preg.
Family and Friends,
How long has it been?
What can I say, am a busy mother of 3 (soon to 4). Yes you heard right!
We are expecting a 4th baby sometime around January 28th. No beating around the bush with that one. Some of you (that live here in town) may have been hearing that I was pregnant for about the last month…(anytime before that I didn’t even know) I’ve looked pregnant for the last month. Staying pregnant all year round will do that to you! I want you to know that we kept nothing from anyone to be mean. We wanted to go to the Dr. first and settle into the news ourselves before telling people. And truth be told I am afraid of others reactions. With the news of Sarah we did get some negative feedback and I just don’t want to hear it. But who am I to be afraid of? No one! So let the world know, we are blessed with children!!! I was really hoping for Sarah to be two before we had another child. I am grateful though for the last 7months not being pregnant.
Joshua is no longer working for First Baptist Colleyville. He got pulled in May 16th and asked to either take a $22,800 pay cut or no longer work for the church. (In a nutshell) Joshua said that he would have an answer for them by Thursday. Well, Joshua and I stewed over how we could make it on such little $ for 3 days. Finally on Wednesday night at about 12am, still agonizing over it, I looked at Joshua and said, “Or we could not take the deal.” Pease came over us like you would not believe. Just immediately we knew that that was the answer. Joshua knew that staying there for such little pay was only out of fear and fear is not from God. The opposite of fear is faith and that is what we are leaning on.
It is amazing what God does in your life when you step out in faith and not rely on others to provide for you. We haven’t missed a house payment! We are fed! And we do have cloths! Joshua has had income by Texas Motor Speedway, a contact from when he was touring (Woody) and is working with a man we knew from FBC doing web flash design, and a couple good garage sales! Woody has Joshua filling in for him at a church just outside of Fort Worth and this last week doing an “install” for a church about an hour away. There are also 2 church’s looking at Joshua to hire, one for video producer and one for sound producer. We are still praying for God’s direction and not our own. We’ll keep you posted. In the mean time, GOD IS SO GOOD.
Hannah, Caleb, and Sarah are all doing well. Hannah is speaking very well and Caleb is getting there. Hannah is still a little mother trying to do things for both Caleb and Sarah, sometimes a help and sometimes not. They are such a joy! Joshua and I just sit back, watching them, and wonder ‘are they really ours?’ I am busy though. They keep me on my feet. I was sick a couple days ago (Joshua was out working) and would not have made it if it weren’t for my mom coming over to take care of them. Sarah is crawling now. This is adding a whole new light in our house. We now have 3 mobile little ones getting into things and on each other. All I can say is we have fun.
We are looking for a van now to fit our family. We have found one for a good price. Still working on finances and God’s timing.
Joshua’s business IMP, inc. is doing well. As I said before he has been getting work and the glory to that can only go to God.
I have been doing well with Creative Memories. I enjoy doing it and it gets me some extra money. I have put most of it back into CM if not for business purposes for myself. It’s nice getting the products I love for nothing! Just my time. I hope to build it up more. Right now tiredness in taking over. After the first trimester is over I’ll have more energy.
I guess that is it for now. What are you all up to? I really do what to hear.
Talk to you soon,
Joshua, Jennifer, Hannah, Caleb, Sarah, and baby Crispin