This last sunday our pastor did not preach, however the singles minister preached. He talked about giving thanks to God, wouldn't you know. We read a responsive Psalm together and then he "challenged" us to start some traditions and that one could be to make a Psalm of your own that covers the year and how God has been there. Psalms 136 is the one we read. It states after every comment, "His love endures forever." I wrote this this morning as my Thanks to God. It starts with the beginning of the year and works it's way down. I thought I'd share it because it is also a testament of our faith and what a GOOD God we serve.
Thanksgiving Psalm
Our family is very blessed with a God that takes care of us.
Lord you are so good to us!
You have given us three beautiful children and have entrusted us to raise them.
Lord you are so good to us!
You have given Joshua amazing abilities to provide for our family. His business is doing well.
All Glory goes to God!
With the creative talents that you have given to me I was able to start my own business. Desiring nothing more than to show my life as an authentic Christian and help others preserve their legacy.
All Glory goes to God!
You have blessed us once again with another baby growing in me.
Lord you are so good to us!
You take us through trials to test our faith in you.
Abba, you love your children!
Joshua lost a client. And we have stepped away from the church that we been with for so long. Listening to your guidance and walking by faith.
Abba, you provide for your children!
You are faithful to us in providing work for Joshua.
All glory goes to God!
You gave me a doctor that cares for my family and helps to keep our new growing baby safe.
Abba, you love your children!
As we try to consider it great joy to go through trials, you send your church to provide for us.
All glory goes to God!
We have been given bags of groceries and gift cards to stores and an awesome amount of money to help with medical needs.
Lord, you are so good to us!
You have made it possible for me to attend a bible study to learn more about you.
Lord, you are so good to us!
You have set in place wonderful ladies that care for our family and teach the wonderful message that you have for us.
All glory goes to God!
You gave to me a husband that loves his family immensely and cares so much for our children to know you.
Lord, you are so good to us!
You have provided for me the opportunity to mentor a lady who just had a baby.
All glory goes to God!
You are faithful to answer prayer.
Abba, you love your children!
You gave to me a friend who is where I am in life. You sent her to our garage sale!
Abba, you love your children!
Listening to your direction, you have lead us to a new church home.
Lord, you are so good to us!
Once again you sent your church to us in a time of need.
All glory goes to God!
We have family that we can gather with during this season of thanksgiving.
Lord, you are so good to us!
We do not deserve your love that you have, yet you give it freely.
I am in awe of you Lord!
You sent your only son to die for me, that I may live forever with You.
I am in awe of you Lord!
Thank you Lord for your constant protection and provision for our family.
Lord, you are so good to us!