7th Heaven: 2
Here is little "catch up" with our babies growth.
1st trimester – 1wk–5wks: Conception. (About the 3rd week after you last menstrual cycle.) The ovum has begun to divide and redivide forming a cluster of cells. Cells are beginning to differentiate and specialize in different areas of development; the baby, the amniotic sac, placenta, and so on. A very primitive spinal cord and nervous system is developing and the baby is about 1/10 inch long.
6wks: There is a heart beat! The baby’s eyes, ears and mouth are just beginning to form. All major organs are forming as well.
7wks: Baby is growing and all organs are continuing to develop.

8wks (2m): The baby’s facial features become more refined and the primary teeth buds are present. The nose is being formed. The size of the baby is about 1/4'', no bigger than a grain of rice, and weights about 1/1000 ounce.
9wks: Pigment has formed in the retina of the eyes and the eyelids have are formed and have closed over the eyes. Finger buds begin to grow from the hands of his tiny arms. Bone cells form from the cartilage in the body. This is the week that I had my 1st sonogram. Hannah was with me. She says that it's a baby boy.

10wks: The inner ear is completely formed and the outer ear continues to develop. Baby is about 1 1/2” long and 1/28 ounce.

11wks: Internal reproductive organs are forming. The skin is complete with hair follicles. The placenta and umbilical cord are completely formed.
2nd trimester - 12wks (3m): The baby’s brain can now transmit messages and movements are becoming more purposeful.

13wks: Baby is fully formed and the major organs are functioning. Vocal cords have formed and the voice box and heart is completely developed. Nail beds are being formed. Baby’s heart beat is strong enough to be heard with a Doppler. And I did at my last appointment. The baby's heart beat was very good and strong. This friday I am exactly 13wks.