Thursday, September 27, 2007

We got a fish!

We got a fish! This is our class pet. We learned all about fish today and then went to the pet store and bought one. Fun fun! Caleb really likes guy. He named him Pluto. Hannah picked out the rocks... she likes the colored ones. Pretty. :)

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Caleb Cam: One Crazy Day

Caleb got a hold of the camera again. It's just funny. Enjoy. :)

*** I was not really asleep! I was taking a rest. ***

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Friday, September 14, 2007

Fun Fact Friday

Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there.

Don't they have a human repellent made for use at NASA?


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Birthday: Hannah's Birthday money

Thank you Aunt Rachel!!!

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Birthday: Hannah is 5

And now it's Hannah's Birthday. The big 5... every year is a big deal with us. :)
(Joshua and I are both writing in this post so you can view his comments by the centering style.)

Hannah and I went to Tom thumb
so Hannah could pick out her very own
cake! She also saw this giant balloon with
Ariel hanging inside. "Daddy...I like that balloon."

If only you could have seen Hannah's face when she brought this giant balloon in the door. She was so smiley! I, on the other hand, am thinking of how many ways this balloon is going to cause problems with her siblings... as you can imagine... What fun for Hannah to get such a cool balloon.
As they walked towards the store Joshua asked
Hannah what kind of cake she wanted. Hannah
said "CHOCOLATE" with a BIG smile.

Hannah also got to choose her ice cream
for the birthday party. She looked at all
the different types, then selected
ice cream sandwiches.

Us Crispin's love us some choc. (add the hick accent and you've got it!)

("yeah, a little messy and lots of stains.")
Sijah just couldn't hold out till his birthday... he needed in on that choc business.

He's really just making sure it's dead....whatever it is.

Daddy's gift for Hannah... the face says it all!
(Yes, that is Sijah you see on all fours in the background. The boy is trying so hard to crawl... a couple more weeks and he'll be chasing the kids up and down the hallway.)

Mommy and Daddy helped put this large puzzle
together for the first time. It was great fun.
As you can see, she does not get her olive complexion
from Daddy. Brown eyes, yes.

A 'play dress' for Hannah. She loves to dress in dresses and be a princess. I also got for her 'glass slippers!'

I have been wanting to get this book for my girls for so long now. It is about a girl that is given a gift, her first kiss, and the quest to find who to give it to... She waits for the right man and then doesn't give him the gift till they are married. Every princess-loving girl's must-have-book. The Princess and the Kiss. Aunt Lindsay came over and gave her a gift... what else but princesses? A color book, fabric book to sew with mom, and a table cloth. (Aunt Lindsey gave Caleb a 'Cars' one for his birthday)

And then Grammy came over. And what do you think she had? You guessed it!
More princess stuff!

Grammy is good at getting the others something little they can play with so they don't take the birthday kids toys too soon.

Happy birthday to Hannah! Happy birthday to Hannah! (sing with me now!) Happy birthday to Hannah! Happy birthday to Hannah!

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Friday, September 07, 2007

Fun Fact Friday

Boredom can lead to madness in parrots. When caged by themselves and neglected for long periods of time, these intelligent, sociable birds can easily become mentally ill. Many inflict wounds upon themselves, develop strange tics, and rip out their own feathers. The birds need constant interaction, affection, and mental stimulation; some bird authorities have determined that some parrot breeds have the mental abilities of a 5-year-old human child. Should a neglected parrot go mad, there is little that can be done to restore it to normalcy. In England, there are "mental institutions" for such unfortunate creatures.

So, take care of those bird pets and always remember to never neglect your 5 year old child.


Monday, September 03, 2007

My Sijah boy!

Just sitting with my boy today and thought to take some pictures of us. He's such a cute boy!

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