Prayer answered
We are all doing well. (Still congested.)
I think that Hannah got some bad food. She was fine yesterday morning when she got up and has eaten well with out throwing up.
I found out what was wrong with me... I have an infection called Mastitis. (this is an infection caused by nursing) When I called my Dr. today to see if that was what it was they told me to come right away. I got med for it and will be better within 48hrs. (The temperature I had only lasted till that afternoon.)
Anyways, we are all well and I thank you for your prayers.
Today was such a beautiful day! Clear light blue skies and a gentle cool breeze beckoned our family to visit the local park. The whole family went together. Little Sarah slept in the stroller the entire time, but Hannah and Caleb had a blast playing on the jungle gyms and swinging with Daddy.