Cerclage is in and keeping baby put! I had the surgery on Wednesday and have been taking it as easy as I can for the last few days. Staying on my back as much as possible so that the cerclage will heal in place good and I can get back to taking care of my children. (And the house!)
I'd like to thank those of you that brought me dinner!!!! I could not have made it without you... well, I'm sure that I would have survived, but you know what I mean!
They surgery went will as it always does. However the anastealogist (sp?) did a very bad job on my back! My back is still in pain from the epidural. While in "holding" (getting ready for surgery, IV set and all that fun stuff.) I asked the nurse to find out who did my epidural in '03. I had a bad experience with whoever that guy was. She 'looked' in my chart and then called to medical records and couldn't find my record. She tells me that it is Dr. Reed that will be doing it.
I know that name and knew that he had done it before on me, but couldn't remember who he was. Well, as you can guess, he was the one from '03. He hurt me so bad! He put the first numbing med in 4 or 5 times and tried 2 different spots on my back with the epidural. (The other 3 times that I've had this done there was only a total of 2 shots.) I have a bruised spot on my back from one of the sticks. I could feel stuff that you shouldn't feel while he was doing it. I've had this done several times now and he is the only one that has a problem with my back. He kept saying that my bones were close together.
The reason that I know it was the same guy from '03 is because while I was in the recovery room after the surgery was over the nurse has to go through my chart and do her thing. I asked her how I could find out who has done my epidurals for these procedures. She gave me some ways and then while flipping through my chart found a sheet that had my '03 information. She said, "Well I can see here that in '03 you had Dr. Reed, funny how history repeats itself." I couldn't believe it! It was in my chart! Well I learned a lesson there. To not take "I'm not sure," for an answer. Know I know the guys name and won't use him again. And I also know to be more persistent when it comes to the safety of my body. I am not saying that Dr. Reed is a bad Dr. or shouldn't be doing this practice. I don't think that he is good with however my back is shaped and shouldn't practice on me! :) I'm going to find out who has done my other ones and request one of them if we are in this situation again.
I am alive and baby is safe - can't ask for more! We got home on Wed at about 1:30.
While in surgery you have to where this nice looking cap to keep your hair out of the way. I asked to keep it to bring it home for my kids to play with and one of the nurses said that I'd need more than one! She got me more and some other fun stuff too. The kids had great fun when I got home and gave them their gifts.

Baby's growth this week:
14wks: Baby can smile and frown now and is beginning to make primitive breathing, sucking, and swallowing motions. Kidneys are working and are starting to produce urine. Eyes are starting to take on their life long color. If we are having a girl then her ovaries have formed, if we are having a boy then his testes have formed in the abdomen. The inner ear is forming and you can see the eyelids and the start of lips opening and closing. Nose is beginning to form as well.
I think I should have stated where I am getting this information. Knowing week by week is from a calendar that was given to me by my Dr. it is made by Baylor. Also info is coming from a great magazine; As Your Baby Grows From Conception to Birth by American Baby.
I'm still trying to take it easy, because my back is in much pain. I'd like to ask for your prayer - a speedy recovery. Last friday I had a tooth removed and my mouth still hurts from that too. Thank you for your prayers in advance.