Sampson Resources were Joshua now works, makes DVD Bible Studies. They do the shoot and put the package together for church’s or whoever to purchase. They are working on a new study by
Dr. Kevin Leman and, as with all their shoots, they need a studio audience. We were asked if we'd like to be apart of it. They put you up in a hotel for the night. I said YES! It was neat. We got to be apart of making a DVD series and have the night for ourselves. I liked it! Mr. Leman was funny. At the end of it all we got our picture taken with Mr. Leman.

Leman's new study,
Value-Packed Parenting, had some great practical tools for parenting. I'd like to share some of the major points that we got out of the lesson:
Train up a child in the way he should go = God's way.
Start with the end in mind.
Treat children the way you expect them to act.
Don't overdo the rules, overdo the relationship.
Discipline = consistency. Keep your word.
The 10 best things you can give your children:
1) Safety and security 2) Attention/time 3) Love 4) Space to grow 5) An example/live an authentic lifestyle 6) Direction, Psalm 32:8 7) Responsibility 8) Boundaries Jude 21
9) Discipline, maximize teaching and minimize punishment 10) Biblical instruction.
Talk to your kids a lot.
Have fun, not fight.
There is a difference in responses and reactions.
The tone of your voice is the reflection of your attitude.
Use non-threatening tones verses threatening tones.
Speak in statements rather than questions.
Have a "yes" face.
Exchange ideas and observations, ask their opinions, help them think and reason.
Project attitude that is open.
Grant in fantasy what they can not have in reality.
Admit your mistakes.
Don't say no so much, be more positive. Do more removing from the object/place, for under 2yrs of age.
Treat them as you would like to be treated.
Encourage more than praise.
Don't let them feel as if they are in the way.
No one member of the family is more important than the family.
Discipline is a privilege, not a chore.
Talk about your kids positively in front of other often.
Use discipline to enable not disable, and for correction. Heb. 12:11, Prov. 29:17
Keep highest form of discipline in mind, self-discipline.
Improve Childs Self-discipline:
Bless them – let them see in your eyes that you believe in them.
Give them opportunity to contribute to the family – chores.
Teach them to think and to reason – ask questions, thou you know the answer.
Be available for them – spend time together.
Value their opinions – you may not agree, but be interested.
Talk to them - be interested in what they are interested in.
Teach them to achieve goals and be responsible.
Help them understand that God has a purpose for their life.
Make sure they know you enjoy having them around.
Make sure they know you love your spouse.
Believe in them.
Beware of false praise.
Warning Signs to anger:
James 1:19
Respond rather than react.
Anger is natural. Eph. 4:26
James 4:1-2
Anger is a choice – a mental choice in your head.
Give yourself a self-examination. Evaluate what sets you off.
Learn to express your anger.
Kids get angry too. Eph. 6:4
Replace anger with an act of love.
Express anger at the act not the actor.
Birth Order:
Psalm 139:13-14
In a nut shell; 1st born = movers/shakers, leaders 2nd born = march to the beat of a different drum 3rd born = motivators, sales men
With the 1st born = needs specifics. Don’t say ‘should,’ and don’t put too much responsibility. Variable to the 1st born is a critical eye.
With the 2nd born = need 2 on 1 time (alone with mom and dad), let them make some of the decisions, watch out for over correcting.
**There is so much more to this. I suggest getting his book, The Birth Order Book.
Standing up to the new Goliath – internet:
Be informed and know what is out there.
Probe your children in a non-threatening way.
Set some ground rules.
Have the computer out in the open.
Talk about the internet with your children.
Warning signs: too much time spent on the internet at night, turns computer screen off when you enter the room.
** Do not only be aware of the intrent but about all typs of media that your children see/read.
**Some wonderful web sites to check out are:,,,,,,
cybersecurityspy.comLook up safty on line on for yourself. Find answers to whatever you are dealing with.
I have a lot more thoughts on this subject. Maybe I’ll blog on that sometime.