Friday, August 31, 2007

Fun Fact Friday

A typical pencil can write 45,000 words or draw a line 35 miles long.

Does anyone still use pencils? I mean if you're not a teacher or in a class that it is required of you?


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Birthday: Caleb turns 4...continued

It's August again and time for Caleb's birthday shopping spree!
Joshua here to tell the tail:

Caleb received a few dollars from Aunt Rachel.
Joshua and Caleb had a guys time at Target.
As they drove, Caleb strained to see Target come into view.

Yes Caleb, calm down you crazy boy.
He ran into the store and headed straight for the
"dollar spot" where we usually do our
birthday shopping.

He starts pointing out everything he recognizes.
Pencils! Stickers! Flashlight!
Then he finds a train whistle, and

Then Caleb finds a boat...and a tape measure.....

We also perused the real toy section for trucks and cars.
He found a green monster truck and just went nuts over it.
His favorite color is green.

He did a great job paying for his new toys and wanted to carry
his own bag to the car. Then Joshua had to
keep him from opening the toys until they arrived home.

Everyone was excitred to see what Caleb bought, but he was not
ready to play with his brother and sisters.

After some time passed he wanted everyone to see his wonderful
playthings. Here he is showing off his giant wheeled vehicle
and Thomas the train.


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Friday, August 17, 2007

Birthday: Caleb turns 4!

It's that time again... Birthday season! Joshua started us off last month and now it is Caleb's turn.

Aunt Rachel sent the coolest card! It had punch-out animals (not to mention 4 birthday-dollars) that Caleb and the kids played with for hours... until the paper got into Abrianna and Sijah's mouth. :) What fun! (Caleb also received cards from Great Aunt Katherine, Grammy and Sheila - Thanks to you all!)

Daddy took Caleb on a special birthday swim with just the two of them.

On this day of turning the monumental 4 years of age, Caleb swims. He just started to kick and away he went!

Along with swimming he also got very brave and jumped off the latter for daddy to catch him.

(This one is blurry, but I love the shot too much to not share.)

After the swim Caleb had present time. Always the child's favorite part of a birthday.

One of Caleb's favorite super heroes is Larry Boy! (I spelled wrong in the caption and really don't want to take the time to fix it... I know, spell check is there for a reason.)

Another super hero is Spiderman!

Green is the favorite color of our now 4 year old boy. He requested a green cake... yes green. I colored the icing and the cake mix with green food die. He loved it!

Milk to go with our cake... but not just in any ol' cup... no... a supper cup... a spider man cup!

Little guy feels left out of the cake fun... his turn will come.

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Friday, August 03, 2007

Fun Fact Friday

The name of the Internet's popular directory, is an acronym. According to the company, the name "Yahoo" stands for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle."

Do you Yahoo?


Thursday, August 02, 2007

Sleep over...

A friend of ours needed some help and we let 2 of their boys stay the night with us. Our kids were just excited. I do want to say up front... the boys slept in the bed room and the girls were out in the living room.

There were quite a few kids and well, what do you do? Eat! Mac and Cheese anyone?

Play a little outside, play a little inside... it's fun!

Pizza to go around! A full table. I'll say it again... once you have 4 you might as well have more! It was fun having these boys over.

Movie's are great for calming a big bunch down... we watched a new favorite, Signing Time. Have you seen it? It's great!

It's a fact now, this boy can sleep through anything. :)

We had a good time, and I tell you what... these boys are welcome anytime!

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