Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Loving Well
Quick notes from a weekend retreat at my church. We did Beth Moore's' Loving Well retreat. I had great fun. Joshua took care of the kids for the night and I stayed with my mom. My mom and I went to the retreat together. Good times, good times.
Loving Well
There are 4 types of people that we are called to love:
1) Joy - those who are a joy to love
2) Testy - those that are hard to love
3) Foe - those who are an enemy
4) Far - those who are strangers that we run across in our day to day lives
There are 4 confessions, if we keep them in mind we are able to love
all these people:
1) God is perfect love
2) Nothing can separate me from God's perfect love
3) God pours his perfect love into my imperfect heart
4) Accessed. I can love anyone through anything.
* We are not able to love well until we feel well loved. And who gives
us that love? Our father Abba.
* Love is part of God's goodness and is not an emotion to him. Under
His love, we are well loved!
* How we allow God to love us reflects our insecurities and anxiety.... ect.
* Out of the 4 people there are to love, who are you for God to love?
* We love love because we are loved, not so we will be loved.
* I love ________ because God 1st loved me.
* Learn to love with God's love. Rom 5:5
* Learn to love with insight. Phil. 1:9-10
* Ask God to give you insight as to who Testy and Foe are in your live
and find compassion on that person so you are able to show them love.
* God calls us to hard loving so we can give that love as a offering
on His alter.
* Pray for others (your husband, family, friends) as if you are
praying for yourself.
- You know how we pray for ourselves... Giving God our
to-do-requests. Why do I not pray for others as I do for myself.
Having it put in that light made me think differently about how I love
those around me and the amount of prayer I have for myself verses
Labels: Beth Moore, Jennifer's Insight
Monday, October 22, 2007
Chocolate Play Dough...
We are fans of Larry Boy, you know... the supper hero. On his latest adventure, The Bad Apple, there is chocolate! Yes I said Chocolate! On the DVD's extras there is a recipe for chocolate play dough... Um yeah... we tried it, and we won't try it again. :) It was fun for a day but I do not recommend this unless you want to clean a big mess. The kids loved it as you can see here.

If you feel adventurous, here is the mix:
- 10 oz Chocolate
- 1/2 cup Corn syrup
- Melt chocolate
- add in the corn syrup
- poor onto wax paper
- put in fridge for about 1 hour
- take out and play!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Birthday: Sarah's 3 years old
A little family party for Sarah on her Birthday. Hannah and Caleb wanted to have a surprise party. Daddy took Sarah into the office with him while Hannah, Caleb and I got the kitchen ready. When Sarah come around the corner, she was surprised. How much fun!

Family Adventure 'Hike'
Family Fun Night!!! We went to a park near by and had our dinner then looked at the ducks.

This hike was for Awana. Hannah needed to go on a hike and find certain items and memorize a verse. We had fun on the hike and fun watching ducks and playing on a park... one stop shop!!!
Labels: Abrianna, Awana, Caleb, Hannah, Jennifer, Joshua, Sarah, Sijah