Christie Crispin had her baby today at 8:40pm. He was 7lbs 15oz.
(This is my sister-in-law. Jonathan, her husband, is Joshua's brother.)
I was at the hospital tonight waiting the last hour of her labor with EVERYONE else that was there. Her parents, Jonathan's parents and friends... it was exciting. I haven't been in the waiting room at Baylor before. (were I've delivered all my babies) Christie's dad called Jonathan's cell and got through... "It's a boy and he's 7lbs, 15oz!" We started clapping and cheering and tears and oh... it was great. Jonathan had said he's be out in a little while so we all went out to the hall to wait. A nurse came by and took our picture. Christie's Dr. came out told us that she was fine and so was baby. She said something like they didn't take a lot of pictures b/c they didn't have a digital camera. Well I gave the nurse mine to take to them! (so did Christie's mom's husband) This is the picture that they took.

Then we waited some more and finally Jonathan came out with our cameras.
Then we waited some more and finally Jonathan came out with Ethan!

It was an interesting thing to see how family is on their toes with excitement awaiting the new baby. I got teary-eyed as we saw Jonathan come out and were looking at the pictures he took. Christie's mom's husband gave Jonathan chocolate cigars to pass out. :)
While Jonathan took Ethan to get cleaned up and everyone went along to watch I hung back so that I could see Christie. (She has seen me after nearly all my babies so I really wanted to do the same) She looked like a new mamma with not a clue how to feel. Tired yes... but as all new moms are... "Is that really mine?" I think she looked good and her boy is a cutie! I can't wait to see her tomorrow and take Hannah with me. Hannah is also excited to see her new cousin.
More pictures so come!