This is our dog: Logan.
We did not name her. She came from the humane society named. Otherwise she would have a girl name. :)
She is a very proper dog. She lies with her front legs crossed.
Fairly well trained. She has a free spirit and gets this itch to run sometimes.
She prances like a deer when she is having a real good day.
A good dog.

You'd never know that she was a hunter. :)
She gets lizards, squirrels and rabbits. A few bugs here and there too.
(Maybe we don't feed her enough.)
This is her latest catch. A rabbit.
The story was just so funny to me that I had to blog it.
The kids went outside to play, a normal day, normal play. Hannah comes running inside, "Mommy, Mommy, we have another rabbit! Come look, come look." I'm thinking to myself, 'ok...'
She runs outside and then runs back in, "Mommy come quickely." I go out to see this rabbit. (Keep in mind that we have rabbits around our house and see them often.)
I see Logan over our child fence and the kids all looking at her. As I get closer I see that Logan has got the rabbit. Yeah, it's gone. Hannah then looks at me and asks, "It's eyes are open, is it ok?" Heart breaking, yes. What did I say? I can't even remember. Probably something like, 'um, I don't know.'
It was then that I say how proud Logan looked sitting by her catch. I ran inside to get the camera. I took these pictures of her.

Then I had to dispose of the rabbit. Joshua was not home... so I was not able to call on my super hero to rescue me. So, it was up to me. What was I going to pick this thing up with? Do I really need to bag it? The kids are all watching me... I took a deep breath and got a shovel from the garage. If you know me at all, you know that I am very squeamish around dead things and live bugs too. I proceeded to pick up the rabbit and Caleb calls out, "What are you going to do?" I say very calmly, 'I'm going to put the rabbit in the creek. Hannah then says, "So that his mommy can find him?" Oh man! And then the rabbit wouldn't stay on the shovel and kept falling off. I finally got it to the creek and went to put the shovel back.
Well, that was over thankfully. So I thought. :)
It wasn't but a couple minutes later that Logan comes trotting up the hill from the creek with the rabbit in her mouth. She obviously wasn't so happy about me taking it away. So I got the shovel again and put it back in the creek and then brought the kids inside.
When Joshua came home we told him about the rabbit and asked him to properly dispose of it. We went outside to show him where I had put it, and Logan had brought it back into our yard, over our fence. Joshua got rid of it and we haven't seen in reappear.
Just another day in the life of the Crispin's.