Thursday, November 30, 2006
Snow Day
A snow day in Texas! What fun. Our heavy jackets were in the car with daddy at work, so we did the best we could. (Jackets look light but they are in layers!) While Sarah and Abrianna were napping we went outside and played. I forget how much fun snow is for kids. They ran and played and well... you can see.

Here comes a snow ball! Caleb started throwing snow balls right away. They must have gotten that from "blues clues."

Caleb and Hannah wanted to make a snow man. As you can see there is not that much snow to make a snow man. But we made one anyway. Out snow man is sitting in a baby doll stroller that was left outside and is now frozen. :)

You don't have to teach a child to eat snow, they just do.

It was cold. The high today was at 33. And the wind was nippy too. We weren't outside for very long. Caleb didn't want to come inside but Hannah did. Caleb would have stayed out there to eat "ice" all day. :)

It was a fun day. Not sure what it will be like tomorrow. Yesterday I got the mail in flip flops, shorts, and short sleeve shirt. That's Texas weather for you!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Abrianna's late night with Daddy
We have been very blessed to have children that sleep throu the night very young. But everyonce and awile we have a night that doesn't go normal. Last night Abrianna had a hard time and I just honestly didn't want to deal with it. (I was tired!) Joshua said that she needed Daddy time. He got the sling and Abrianna sat with him while he did his thing on the comp. It was too cute to not take a picture.

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Family day!
We had a wonderful day today and I'd just like to share that with you all.
We went to a new park that Joshua saw on his way home from work. It was nice. The kids loved to slide. The park also had lots of trails for walking. We went on a hike!
It was so nice to be out in the cool air and watching the kids play and have fun. We picked up rocks and through them into the creeks that ran along the trails and we picked some nice leaves. It was great. I had Abrianna on me in the sling and she just loved that.
We tired the kids out good and they had long naps when we got home. :)
I do regret not bringing the camera with us.
7th Heaven: 6
23wks: Baby’s grasp reflex is strong. Kicking is getting stronger too.
3rd trimester - 24wks (6m): The baby’s lean body is putting on fat. The buds of permanent teeth are developing.

25wks: Tiny air sacs called alveoli form in the lungs and the baby begins to make primitive breathing movements.
Isn't this stuff just great? Aren't you so glad that I've been blogging our baby's growth development. You learn something new each time!
26wks: Baby’s skin is thickening and becoming opaque. Taste buds appear on the tongue and inside the baby’s little cheeks.
I have the glueglose test this next week. I'm sure that the results will be negative. They always have been. Thou, if you've ever had this test then you will understand, I am not looking forward to the nasty heavy sugar drink. Srill no name picked out and I have not seen any comments on name suggestions...
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thanksgiving Psalm 2006
You are God above all and Holy is Your Name
Looking back over the year your hand is so clear.
All Praise is given to you, JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH
We celebrated our Saviors Birth and you lavished us with gifts.
All Praise is given to you, YESHA
You blessed our family again, adding a sweet baby girl.
All Praise is given to you, EYALUTH
Thank you Lord for fun in our family, for laughter and play.
All Praise is given to you, EL-OLAM
You provided clients for Joshua and new opportunities
All Praise is given to you, JEHOVAH-JIREH
The Crispin’s welcomed a new member, Ethan. What a wonderful gift.
All Praise is given to you, ELOHIM
You lead us to a new church
All Praise is given to you, ADONAI
There Joshua and I were privileged to serve in VBS, teaching missions in you name
All Praise is given to you, JEHOVAH-M'KADDESH
I believe your leading us there was for me to be set free from strongholds through a bible study, Breaking Free.
All Praise is given to you, JEHOVAH-ROPHE
I know who I am in you as your adopted child
All Praise is given to you, JEHOVAH-M'KADDESH
You continue to bless our family with another child growing in me. A Boy!
All Praise is given to you, ELOHIM
You lead us to yet another church
All Praise is given to you, JEHOVAH-JIREH
Here Hannah is in Awanas and memorizing your word
All Praise is given to you, MELEKH
You’ve allowed a time of hardship
All Praise is given to you, JEHOVAH-M'KADDESH
Clients were not coming and Joshua sought other opportunities
All Praise is given to you, JEHOVAH-JIREH
You lead us through, never leaving our side, and keeping your word to always provide shelter, food and clothing.
All Praise is given to you, JEHOVAH-ROHI
You sent your church body to help in areas of need
All Praise is given to you, JEHOVAH-JIREH
Lord, you provided Joshua with a job and our home is still over our heads.
All Praise is given to you, JEHOVAH-JIREH
Your continual provision and never leaving us, Lord is more then we deserve. You lead us through times to grow us in you. Lord I want nothing more than to share Your Glory, that for every blessing you poor out I’ll turn back to praise. This, my Psalm of Thanksgiving is to you, and for anyone that reads, to know of your unfailing love that truly endures. EL SHADDAI
Thanksgiving Day 2006
Lots to be thankful for!
David and Rachel Hall came in town with their 2 children. (This is Joshua's sister) They were in a couple days before thanksgiving and then on their way to other family. Our time with them was very nice. I love the holiday season when family comes together. (It should happen more often.) The kids played together and we had a mini present exchange with the kids. One evening we had everyone over for dinner. Something happened that night... my children decided to have a food fight. Never have they thrown their food at eachother before. Not sure what happened... :)
Here are some pictures. I didn't have many pictures taken with my camera. I'll have to get some form the other family members that were taking pictures. There was a picture taken with all the kids on out couch that I hope to put up for you all to see soon.

After dinner Sarah played with Ethan. Ethan would grab her face and then they would both laugh. It was truly funny.

For Thanksgiving Day we had my Mom and Lindsey and Mark and David and Sheila over. That was nice as well. Family together!
Over this long weekend Joshua made Hannah the tire swing that she had been wanting. They even painted it. Hannah loves this swing. We've got to make Caleb a manly tire swing. :)

What are you thankful for?
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Christmas Lights Going Up
We are putting up lights this year.
Getting the lights out is the most fun!
Here is Abrianna playing with the lights.

All the kids loved seeing the lights.

Joshua headed out side to put the lights up. The kids wanted to help too.

So did Abrianna. :)

We ran out of colored lights to do the posts. We'll get back to that soon. Not your picture pretty home full of lights. But I like it! I love to come home and see lights on. The color is wonderful! The kids decorated 2 small trees to put out side the door and I wrapped a sleigh with moving lights. That is the kid’s favorite.

Festive for the holiday's!