Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Come take a swim with us

We got a pool! Here we are setting it up.

We let the kids play in the pool while filling it. They loved it. A slip-n-slide is the next buy!

Here we are the next day and there is more water. It takes so long to fill a pool! We have it at about 1 1/2 feet here. (The pool holds about 3 1/2) We are not filling it completely for a couple reasons: Well the cost... and we want our kids to learn to swim. This is a great depth for them b/c they can touch the bottom and it is deep enouph to swim. Hannah is doing very well at holding her breath underwater and Caleb is getting it fast. Hannah is trying so hard to swim. It will come with more practice.


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Saturday, July 28, 2007

"I just couldn't wait..."

Yet another funny story:

Joshua had Hannah and Caleb with him while making one of our daily runs to WalMart. He got them a special cookie, being the nice dad that he is. Hannah really likes Cinderella. Her cookie was Cinderella. She liked her cookie so much that she wanted to wait to eat it so she could take a picture of it first. Joshua said she did so good... she only ate little bites off the top... small bites... just trying to hold off until a picture could hold the cookie in memory forever... :)

My silly girl!


Sunday, July 22, 2007

It starts with an i

Joshua got me an iPod Shuffle! I can listen to music now while going throughout the house and not have to have it up loud over the children noise.
A larger plus; I can listen to my audio podcasts!

This gift was for our 6yr anniversary. Thank you Joshua!!!

Here is my Lap Top and Shuffle meeting for the first time. :)

(I still would like the Video iPod... Joshua says it is coming later...)

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Fun Fact Friday!

Chocolate anyone?

Chicago, Illinois is the candy capital of the world. Chicago has more chocolate manufacturers within a small radius than any other place in the world. This dates back to the 1800's when Chicago was a national hub for transportation and manufacturing, in addition to being very close to sources for key candy ingredients -- milk and corn syrup, it was also convenient to ship candy products to either coast from Chicago.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

To Grammy's house we go...

Night at Grammy's. Good times, good times.

What a nice aunt to feed the baby!

What a nice Grammy to make us (hard) brownies and ice cream!

What a nice aunt to play dolls!

Hannah like to play with Grammy's doll stuff. She has a doll house over there, but it was upstairs.

Sijah is so fun. Just look at that smile!

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Saturday, July 07, 2007

All about Sijah

What a cute baby I have. A BIG baby! He is only 5 months and looks like he is 7m. The boy is healthy!

His feeding has still not gotten better. The boy just doesn't get it. I am ready to give him formula from know on! I think he is ready for solids. He is really watching us as we eat and he has started waking up in the middle of night to eat. A sure sign!

The other kids just love him. A little too much sometimes. I am telling Caleb, "Get off your brother," at least 2 times a day. Crazy! They all love to push him in the swing. They don't understand that the swing can go by itself. It needs their help. Silly kids.

They say that kids progress faster when there are lots of other ones a little older around. Well... Walking at 5m! Not really, but he sure likes to stand.

I just love this picture. Joshua was with the kids while I was out and when I came home I found our littlest all wrapped in my shirt. Joshua said that my shirt helped him fall asleep. Ahhhh... :) My little guy!


Thursday, July 05, 2007

The 4th continues...

4th at the Boy's Ranch! Annual Crispin thing... only we were the only ones there. :( It's not the same without our extended family but we had fun. Doesn't Sijah look like he is having fun?

I took the kids to the free play area and we got balloons, fans, finger puppets, made sack puppets, and played with BIG bubbles. Great fun. The music was WAY loud so Joshua kept Sijah further away. Here we are deciding what to do next from the not-so-loud spot.

Hannah thought we needed to go back to the kids area and play in the sand pile.

Abrianna comes back to dad with a sand bum. :) We went to the circle rocks for the kids to do something else. It was great fun until Sarah hit her head and got a massive bump right between her eyes.

After Sarah had her accident we went back to the car. We had made it till 8:30pm and then we needed to seek "shelter." No not from rain - thanks to God it was a clear nice day - from anymore accidents. Our children get more clumsy as the night goes on. Here we are at the car. Caleb cracks me up!

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A screaming 4th

It's that time again. Fire up the grill, lather on the sun screen and head out to the 4th party. Oh wait, DFW is flooded. Not much sun and it's not easy to grill when the rain is putting out your fire. :) So our plans are... watch the fireworks from the inside of our car. We did that last night. The kids loved it, they don't care where how you view them.

We packed drinks and cereal for snack and headed out to a local cities show. Leaving at 8:15, past bed time... yeah, you can guess how it went. Instead of fireworks set to music we had screaming. It's funny how the kids still enjoyed themselves but I was asking Joshua if we would ever get to the point of going to events like this and having a good time.

Today the kids have had extra long naps and Abrianna had a double. I hope tonight goes more smooth. (We'll let you know.)

Have a great day.


Monday, July 02, 2007

Rain, Rain go away...

Will this crazy Texas rain ever go away? My kids are ready to play outside and I am so ready for them to! Here they are wishing...

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Sunday, July 01, 2007

These are a few of my favorite things...

What does your mouse pad look like? Mine was black... boring! I made this image to be printed on a mouse pad. Just thought I would share. :)

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Caleb Cam: 4

Caleb got the camera again! These he took without me knowing. Not bad... the ones that I posted anyway. :)
