Some of you may know that we have chosen to not have TV. (TV channels, we do watch movies) A decision Joshua and I made about 4 years ago. That's 4 years of not watching TV... That's 4 years of not knowing what people are talking about because TV consumes most conversations... That's 4 years of not being desensitized to what the world is passing off as OK.
I've recently got a membership to a ladies gym. At the gym there are TV's all around you. You can't escape them! :) Truly not caring about TV, I haven't watched anything while working out. However I forgot my iPod the other day. I needed some sort of entertainment after all, the gym had the news playing over the speakers. Who wants to run while a newscaster is telling us the world is doomed? So I plugged in some headphones and watched TV while I ran. Again, not very motivating...
My mom and sisters talk about LOST. They think this show is IT and have all sessions on DVD. I'm not sure how you can watch one episode and understand anything... it must be an acquired taste...? I may have watched 2 mins, and I was done. Flipping through the remaining channels I found nothing to watch and ran while being told the world was doomed...
My sister tells me of a show called Brothers and Sisters. She was over today and asked if I'd like to watch this show with her because she missed it. The TV stations now offer some of their shows online. So we kicked back while my children were watching
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
In my Friends watching days I may have enjoyed this show. I will admit, it was entertaining. But how worldly! My only guess is, most shows on now are so
openly supportive of homosexuals, lies, adultery, deception, and... the list goes on. The show was produced so well, and I like the actors... I wish they lived lives that uplifted the audience.
I don't think that having made the choice to not watch TV puts me on a higher pedestal than anyone else... What not having TV does do: it keeps your head out of the sand! Before we turned off the TV I would have watched this show with no problem
(well, the gay guys would have really bothered me). And now, having not been exposed to such out right unGodly behavior, I have no desire to watch more. My insides struggled as I watched the show. One side of me was entertained and the other was disgusted.
There have been days when I've missed Oprah, (not her advise... it was entertaining, new things, guest stars, you get the idea) or the alike shows, however having watched Brothers and Sisters has reaffirmed our decision to be in this world but not of it.
(However, I'm a little curious of this Grey's Anatomy that I hear so much about, now that I know I can watch it...)Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong,
and you do this to your brothers.
Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived:
Neither the sexually immoral
nor the idolaters
nor adulterers
nor male prostitutes
nor homosexual offenders
nor thieves
nor the greedy
nor drunkards
nor slanderers
nor swindlers
will inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 6:8-10
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